7 Random Things About Me That Might Make You Go HMMMMM-I’ve Been Tagged

I have been tagged by two of my very favorite bloggers, Dori from A Yellow House in England and Marylou from MaryLou’s Art ADventure to tell you all seven things about me-some random and some weird. At first I didn’t think that I had too much to tell (I mean come on me quirky? Yes, apparently so).
Here it goes!

1.) I despise ketchup (mayonnaise too but really despise ketchup). I cannot stomach the sight or smell of it. I don’t know how to emphasize how much I dislike ketchup-I mean we are talking an unusual and out of the ordinary dislike. I once dated a guy in college for two years and the final straw (things were going to the wayside anyway) was that he covered my fries in ketchup. I mean he KNEW how much I despised ketchup and I thought well if you can forget that Adios (this may seem harsh but come on, after two years of dating me you STILL cover my fries in the despised ketchup-we had problems). Yuck, yuck, yuck. I don’t even want to think of the despised and hideous ketchup.

2.) I want to see a nice ghost. I believe in ghosts but have never seen one and I would like to see one providing they were nice and nothing out of a scary movie. I know a lot of credible sources (I think they are credible but that is not saying too much) who have seen ghosts but not I (Oprah even said on her show once that she saw a ghost so why not me?). I have been wanting to see a nice ghost since I was a kid and we played with the Ouija board (are those even around anymore?).

3.) When I was little I got locked in one of those VERY small bathrooms on an airplane and now will be close to death before I go to the bathroom on an airplane. I swear it was probably 30 odd years ago but the memory and fear are frozen in time in my mind (I know, I know I need to get over it and go to the bathroom on an airplane).

4.) This is just a horrible, horrible confession but well we all have skeletons in our closet (I hope most of mine are buried for good) but if I could choose to be on a desert island with only one certain food and beverage it would be……diet Pepsi and chocolate. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I know that I should eat the fruits and veggies and I usually do but if I could choose and it would be good for me I would always choose diet Pepsi and chocolate over anything else!

5.) I love to read British murder mysteries (Morse, Poirot, Adam Dagliesh, Richard Jury-these are characters in my favorite books) and watch British murder mysteries and historical dramas. I love Pride and Prejudice (BBC version) and all those Masterpiece Theatre shows. Love them. This is not weird or quirky but maybe falls under random.

6.) I am a strict vegetarian and animal rights activist. Before I had my children I would do peaceful protests against animal cruelty. I get anxiety when I see people wearing fur coats and will not tolerate any kind of cruelty against animals (any kind of animal). I would not eat my cat or dog so why would I eat a cow, pig or chicken? That is my philosophy but I do not push it on others or judge those that do choose to eat animals. I do not wear leather either and wish more shoes were man made materials as I am a shoe freak!!!!!

7.) When I was young I was in beauty pageants (even won a few) but then I realized I was not really beauty pageant material (way too clumsy and just not into the whole thing). I don’t really enjoy displaying myself so I figured it was best to pack up my bags on the beauty pageant circuit (this is a secret as my friends now did not even know I was in beauty pageants-they would probably balk at the thought of me strutting up there in a gown). My kids like to play with my old crowns now so that makes it all worth the agony.

Now to the 7 people I need to tag and please don’t feel obligated to follow through but it is fun

1.) Sara at My Life as it was, is, and will be
2.) Nancy at Chilled White Whine
3.) Mike at Live Life 365
4.) Confessions of a Fitness Diva
5.) Swubird at Senior Tales
6.) Robin at Healthy Living
7.) Beaded Tail /

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