Way Way Behind and Brown Rice for Swubird

Just wanted to give a quick note to let all my wonderful readers and faithful commentors know that I am so very, very behind in writing, and commenting this week. I work all weekend but hope to get back on track by middle of next week and be caught up on visiting your blogs and commenting. I really miss reading all my favorite blogs and have just been in a whirlwind of sorts.

P.S. Swubird asked me about cooking brown rice so I asked my mother the best cook of rice I know and she said that for each cup of brown rice add 2 cups of water and cook covered for an hour. Hope this works.

P.S.S. Sogeshirts- I hope to have your ad up for your hysterical shirts this week! I need to buy some of those soon.

Hope everyone is having a happy and healthy holiday season!

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