Pancakes All Day!

I mentioned before that keeping wholesome foods accessible is a key to raising healthy children. When good things aren't available, we reach for something less nutritious.

I have found that one of the best snacks to have on hand is pancakes! Here is my slightly sweet pancake recipe. There's a bit more sweetener in it than in other recipes. That is so the kids eat them plain. There's not always time to pop them in the toaster and pour on the REAL maple syrup. This version will go well plain, with peanut butter, with fruit-sweetened jam or rolled up with honey.

Slightly Sweet Pancakes

3 cups of freshly ground whole wheat flour **
1 Tbsp aluminum-free baking powder
1 1/2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1/4 - 1/2 of Rapadura, Sucanat or other natural sweetener (If your littles are acquiring a taste for healthy food, start with 1/2 cup and eliminate a Tbsp every time you make the recipe.)

Mix these dry ingredients together.
Add in:
3 eggs
3 cups of Real Milk (If I don't have milk, I use thinned down yogurt and this makes an even fluffier, tangier pancake.)
2 tsp. vanilla
1/4 EVOO (that's extra virgin olive oil)

Whisk this all together. The recipe makes about 36 pancakes.

** If you're using whole wheat flour from a bag, you might have to add some additional liquid since my milled flour is not packed-down. Also, if your children are just getting used to whole wheat, use 1/2 whole wheat and 1/2 unbleached flour. When they are ready, you can reduce the amount of unbleached flour until you've got them enjoying 100% whole wheat.

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