Two Secrets To Weight Loss That May Surprise You!

For some reason this week I have the appetite of a herd of elephants. Really, it is just horrible so I am employing a couple of my favorite if not unusual weight loss tips that are helping me a bit. Thought I would throw them out there for you to see if maybe they might help you too!!

Pinching Away Those Cravings-Literally

Looking for an ancient Chinese secret to help you fight those cravings? Try pinching your nostrils or earlobes for 10 seconds and those cravings will pass (I tried this and it worked for me-but don’t pinch too hard ). Apparently the nostrils and earlobes are acupressure points that help to suppress cravings.


Eat a pit a pat of butter. No kidding! It may not sound delicious but it works as an appetite suppressant. I have a spoonful and it makes me feel full. Actually, I kind of like the taste although the texture is kind of funky.

Give these a try and let me know what you think. So far so good for me!

p.s. I am still working on my vitamix 5200 post. It is the best machine on the planet and I am actually becoming a healthy cook!

p.s.s. I am so far behind so I am sorry to everyone but will catch up soon I hope with commenting.

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