And The Award Goes To.........

I love it when I receive awards for my blog! I am so excited because I have been given a couple awards by two of the blogs that I have followed for at least a year and that I love. Regina at Regina's Family Seasons has flattered me by thinking of my blog and giving it the "Your Blog is Fabulous!" award. I first started reading Regina's blog because her complete and absolute honesty and commitment to family and what was right pulled me in. She is a stellar person whom I admire so this is very special.

My second award came from a wonderful blogging friend who is always so wonderful in giving me advice on blogging and takes time out to answer any questions I have and offer her opinion. Polly at Random Ramblings writes with a true flair and her beautiful pictures of nature, her cat, and a wide variety of very enticing subjects always keeps me coming back for more. Polly has awarded me with the, "You Make My Day Award", and the "Blog Love Award". These ladies represent the top tier of bloggers so I encourage all of you to please stop by their blogs-you will love them and adore these ladies as I do!

This is a fairly easy one, the rules are...

1. You need to list 5 Addictions that you have.
2. You have to pass this Tag to five (5) or more people with fabulous Blogs.
Here are my 5 addictions:

1.) Chocolate-I don't think addiction even
begins to describe it.
2.) My Girls
3.) Diet Pepsi
4.) The Beach
5.) Blogging

Now for the hard part-who do I pass these on too? I detest choosing, I really, really do because I could choose 100 blogs at least but alright. Here are blogs that I love and learn from and I hope you will too-

1.) gLorR!e at Fit4All
2.) Heather at Azure Island Designs
3.) foongpc at My Very First Blog
4.) Sicilian at Everything You Wanted To Know About Italians But Were Afraid To Ask
5.) East Coast Life

There are a couple other fabulous bloggers who honored me with awards and I will have those up next week as well. Please check out these sites and see for yourself why I love them and thank you Regina and Polly!!!

P.S. Next week I am going to tell you about my Vita-Mix 5200 blender that I love and give you some of my favorite recipes!!! I keep saying I am going to write about it but then I keep trying more things and think oh well just one more thing to try to write about but I have some really easy, healthy and delicious things I have created with this one of a kind machine!

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