Why "Health Begins With Mom?"

I hope that you all had a very nice weekend with your loved ones! I don't know what things are like where you are, but here in GA we've been having totally dreamy weather. Our family spent a huge portion of the weekend outside... and it's a good thing because the sunny weather isn't going to last. Side note: children today get dramatically less Vitamin D than in past centuries because they spend so little time outdoors. Vitamin D is a crucial player in our Immune Response. So, get your kids outside whenever the weather allows!

Besides enjoying my kids' antics outside, this weekend I was also thinking about blogging. I am a very purposeful person. I wrote about my blogging intentions here. But, I don't think I've ever explained my title. Why do I describe this blog by calling it "Health Begins With Mom?"

Have you ever considered what an influential position we are in as nurturers of our family? Even though some men love to create delicious fare in the kitchen... even though some husbands do the grocery shopping... For the most part, it is the woman of the home who makes a meal plan, does the shopping and cooks most of the meals. Food selection and preparation can be considered a chore. It can also be a challenge with budgetary and time constraints. In this blog, I'd like to help you see it as a blessed privilege. And I'd like to give you some useful knowledge, tools and ideas to help you bless your family with health.

We are in a position to build our family up in strength, health and vitality. Especially for our children, we have the opportunity to lay a foundation of health that they will build securely on in future days. This is a privileged position! Health does begin with mom.

Am I saying that we hold the power of life and death? Nope. Am I saying that health should become a household idol? Nope again. But I am saying that as wives and mothers, whether we work in or out of the home, we can give the gift of health to those we love. And, to be cliche', health is a gift that keeps on giving : )

Do you think of your place as wife and mother as a sacred calling? Do you see the unique value of being in this nurturing position? Come along side me and let us set about this calling vigorously!

Thank you Lori, for this wonderful Word Picture.

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