Prepare your Body, Mind and Spirit for a Seasonal Fall Cleanse

 'It’s hard to believe we’re already a month into the beautiful Fall season this year. The heat of summer, with all its activity and excitement is now behind us, and the days are already getting cooler and shorter. Now is a perfect time to slow your pace, breath in the crisp autumn air, and engage in a simple seasonal cleanse. 

My regular readers and patients know that Fall and Spring cleansing are among my top recommendations for long term health and vitality. Every Fall and Spring cleanse offers us a new opportunity to let go of things we no longer need in life, lighten our systems, and turn over a new leaf for greater well being and happiness. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), the Fall season relates to the lungs, the large intestines, and to the practice of letting go and releasing whatever is weighing us down. Lightening our physical, mental and emotional load will give us the greater energy and health that we need for a smooth transition into the Winter season.'


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