Disney Marathon Race Report (Part 2)

So we left off our pre-race story with sickness, and a sleepless night.
Did you miss the pre-race recap? read it HERE.

Race Day
The phone rang at 3am. Instead of listening to what Disney character had called to wake me up, I picked up the phone and slammed it in place. I was exhausted. I was mad. I started sobbing.
How am I going to do this?
I'm exhausted.
I can't breathe.
My nose is filled with snot.

If I felt like this at home...
I would call out sick from work.
I would totally skip my run.
I would take Nyquil and sleep all day.

My mom and Kevin tried to comfort me. "You don't have to do it. If you don't feel up to it don't worry."

"But this is the WHOLE reason we're here!"

I cried, got up from bed, and started putting on my race gear. My brother came over and told me he'd stay with me the whole race. He'd repay the favor I gave him 2 years ago in the Disney half by not leaving his side. I knew I needed him on this marathon morning.

I made up a piece of bread with banana and peanut butter (my usual pre-race fuel), packed my honey stinger chews and waffle into my skirt and, grabbed a protein bar, and stuffed as many kleenex as I could in my skirt, pack and hands as I could. Soon, jason, S and I were boarding the bus to get to Epcot.

I tried eating my breakfast, but I really couldn't stomach it. I knew it was bad to head into a marathon with such little fuel in my body, but I just couldn't eat. I finally threw it away in the trash so I could concentrate more on blowing my nose.

We finally got to the staging area, we didn't have bags to check, but headed to the information tent to see if they would let my brother change corrals to be with me in corral D. Thank god they did based on his word of half marathon time the day before. While we were waiting, I txtd Sara from Words to Run By & found her!

Sara & I pre-race

She was on day 2 of her adventure of the Goofy Challenge, She was battling a toe blister, and was worried about finishing. I wished her good luck, but unfortunately Sara got pulled from the course not far from the end. Visit her recap HERE, it is an absolutely amazing story of perseverance, determination, and that stubbornness we all display as badass runners. If you need inspiration, you need to check it out.

We took a couple more pre-race photos. In pictures I didn't look too horrible...

S & I pre-race

Jason & I pre-race!

We headed to the corrals, stopping twice at porta potties on the way. I felt like I went through a million kleenex. We headed to corral D, and on the way I saw Team Hoyt on the big screen. They are such a huge inspiration to me as well. I love hearing about them racing, and was so excited to be racing the same race as them!

Soon with fireworks and cheering Corral D (for Determination!), was off! I was excited to get going, but felt sick, tired, and sluggish. I had my Garmin on, but my brother told me not to look at it (it was pitch black and I couldn't anyways). He told me to let him know if we needed to slow down, or stop to walk. Disney Highway to Epcot....
mile 1: 13:07 (quick bathroom stop)
mile 2: 11:44
at 2.5 we hit Ecpot, it was dark and all lit up. We ran through the countries and out by the Epcot ball.
mile 3: 11:46
Back to Disney highway. I was still feeling awful, constantly blowing my nose. We walked through the water stations, and I tried to drink some powerade figuring it may give me some calories since I barely took in any that morning. Big mistake realized later in the race. Overall I was feeling ok, my knee was behaving, and we kept plugging along, chatting with other runners along the way.

mile 4: 11:41
mile 5: 12:22
mile 6: 12:10
mile 7: 12:16
mile 8: 12:23
mile 9: 12:09
mile 10: 12:30

Our pace was slowing, I was getting tired and light headed. I had to walk a little when the dizziness got bad. I was looking forward to hitting the Magic Kingdom. Mentally, I tried to break the race up into parks, with a goal to make it to the next one. Once we passed the Contemporary hotel, I got excited to get to Magic Kingdom. Running in and seeing the people cheering, and the castle was just as great as the last 2 times I've passed through, although this time we were about double the distance in. We stopped to take a couple pictures.

I didn't want to stop and wait in character lines, so instead I took pictures from the side if there was someone good. As we ran through tomorrow land we saw Buzz LightYear, and since my brother always loved him growing up, I had to get a picture for him.

By one of his favorite rides... Splash Mountain

And me by mile 11, because I honestly couldn't believe I had made it that far.
mile 11: 12:50

Leaving the castle!

After exiting the park, we knew we had only a little over a mile until we saw Jason's girlfriend & Kevin at the Polynesean. We ran by the resort looking for them, but couldn't find them. I was afraid we missed them, and started txting Kevin. Finally there they were! Jason changed from his long sleeve into his tank top, and we headed on after a hug and kiss from our biggest cheerleaders.

I ran away from them feeling happy, but tired. Sick, but ready to go on.
mile 12: 13:26
mile 13: 14:16

Next goal was to get to Animal Kingdom. I was going downhill. I felt sick to my stomach, I was barely able to eat any chews. I tried to eat part of a waffle, but couldn't get it down. I was able to drink water successfully. The lightheadedness came and went. I shed my arm sleeves and had run out of kleenex. I decided to keep my gloves and use them as a disgusting handkerchief.

mile 14: 12:51
mile 15: 14:04
mile 16: 15:23

Slightly after mile 15, was when I really felt sick to my stomach. I had that feeling that if only I could throw up, I'd feel better. So my brother told me to pull over and try. So I did. Power Aid. Nothing solid, I barely had anything in my stomach. After getting up the power aid I started feeling a little better nausea wise. I was able to eat more chews and drink water. My Nuun had gotten warm, so I stopped drinking. It was getting hotter and hotter out. I tried focusing on getting to Animal Kingdom.

Finally we were there!
There were animals by the gate to greet us.

I wish I had taken more pictures throughout Animal Kingdom. The Tree of Life, Expedition Everest. I was so focused on getting out of there so I could head to Hollywood Studios. In my mind, I knew if I could make it to Hollywood Studios I'd make it to the end.

mile 17: 17:20
mile 18: 15:10

Then came 19, which I had heard was the worst stretch of the race. All Disney Highway to Hollywood Studios. I'm pretty sure it was around this point where I started feeling overheated. I remember saying things to my brother who told me to quit spending extra energy, I wasn't even making sense. I made a comment that I've never run this far before. I knew I needed to take care of myself to avoid a repeat of what happened to A at Disney Princess last year. I stopped at a med tent and asked for ice. They asked me to sit down and they would tape it to me. I told them I wanted it just to cool down. 

I was thirsty and hot. We started walking more. My brother was encouraging and motivating, I teared up a little telling him how much I appreciated him. 

mile 19: 16:55
mile 20: 17:34

Then I saw it!
The sign for Hollywood Studios!
I started crying,
"We're gonna make it! We're really gonna make it. We're gonna finish!"
My brother calmly said, "Steph, of course we're gonna make it. We did well the first half, and you're doing fine, just keep going."

Then through a cruel twist, we realized that before entering the park, we had do an out and back loop, which totaled a mile. Such a cruel tease. I stopped at another med tent, I decided to try tying the back of ice to the back of my sports bra so I could try running with it, since prior I was only walking when I had ice. It worked, and I was able to pick it up, and alternate more running with the walking.

mile 21: 15:47
mile 22: 15:53

We hit Hollywood Studios! I honestly barely remember what we ran by, We were running through the Backlot tour and looped through NYC.

mile 23: 17:56

Past Mickey's Fantasia Hat...

Bye bye Tower of Terror!
My dizziness was still there, I was guzzling water. I was so thirsty and hot. My legs were getting tired, not pain, but just exhausted. My feet were aching, I just wanted to be finished. We headed down the walking path to Disney's Boardwalk. I remembered making this walk last year from my hotel and felt like we were getting so close to the finish. We alternated running and walking along the riverside path.

mile 24: 15:29

 We headed onto the boardwalk where there were people everywhere cheering for us. Most people had been walking the last 4 miles or so, I got excited passing people when I was able to run. My ice was sliding all over my back, but felt so good. We were almost there!! Only the back gate of Epcot and through the countries to go! I teared up again, but tried to calm myself down to prevent my heart rate from creeping up even higher.

mile 25: 15:48

There were people all over Epcot. I remember taking off my ice pack to give to a cast member to throw away. When I had to stop to walk, my brother would ask if I needed to stop stop. I told him no, we needed to make forward progress, I just wanted to be done. Then we saw Snow White! I HAD to stop, I was dressed up like her!

I'm pretty sure I teared up again here too.
Then we were running by the Epcot christmas tree & toward Spaceship Earth.

mile 26: 16:13

Just before this, Jason was asking me how bad did I want it? I told him I just wanted to be finished. Lets go. I think I may have needed one walk break backstage before running out in front of the crowd. I saw Kevin again cheering us on with my mom and everyone else.

We gave a wave, and headed toward the finish, I was sooooo ready to be done!

That last bit I picked it up to a 12:51 pace.

I crossed the finish.
I started sobbing.
I hugged my brother.
I thanked him and told him I owed it all to him. I would have never made it without him. I've dreamed about this moment for 6 years and he made it possible on a day where the conditions made it seem unlikely to happen.
We did it.
Him 39.3 miles
Me 26.2 miles

I was ready to collapse. 
I got more ice, grabbed some water and food I knew I wouldn't be able to eat.
We went to our meeting spot, and sat down. My feet felt swollen and I couldn't wait to get my sneakers off. 

I'm a Marathoner!
Despite the horrible conditions thrown my way, I'm incredibly proud to say I did it.
And you know how I said I would never run another one unless a 2.4 mile swim and 112 mile bike were before it?
Now I need to do another solo 26.2 to see what I can do when I actually feel well.
So be assured, there will be another marathon in my future!
Look at that sweet bling!
Overall Stats
overall place - 11313/13478
gender place - 4979/6315
division place - 897/1114
Half Marathon split -  2:45:52
Marathon time - 6:17:06

Post-race recap will be part 3!

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