Freedom Isn’t Hunger, Sickness, Lack of Education, or Work – And It Isn’t Science Co-opted by Corporations

'All of that is truly brilliant stuff. But what Hartmann and so many others on the left don’t get is that the star of their universe—holy science—has also been co-opted by corporations. Therefore, the trust in science to guide us to the truth has been every bit as corrupted as the government institutions that promote corporations. 

There is no freedom if government can dictate the kind of health care we receive. There is no freedom if government can dictate that we be vaccinated. 

There is no freedom if government can lay claims to what is true and what is not—as the FDA is now doing. There is no freedom when government agencies, like the FDA and FTC, wield SWAT operations on businesses and families producing things that citizens want to buy. 

There is no freedom when health is held hostage to pharmaceutical profits. There is no freedom when the environment is polluted by Agribusiness. 

There is no freedom when government agencies co-opt nature’s bounty for corporate profits. 

There is no freedom when the sources of scientific information are taken over by corporations—and they’re cited to support government actions. 

Please, watch Thom Harmann. He’s brilliant—but even he misses some of the most significant areas of freedom. These areas slide under the radar of far too many who genuinely do care about democracy.' 


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