Big Brother Medical Fascism

Is America on the Verge of a Medical Dictatorship?

Have you heard about the "Pandemic Response Bill"? The Massachusetts State Senate has just passed this Orwellian monstrosity. If the Massachusetts House approves the bill and it becomes state law, it's likely the"Pandemic Response Law" of Massachusetts will serve as a basic template (with minor revisions) for similar legislation in other states.

Overt Medical Fascism

"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by the right names"
(Chinese Proverb)

Vaccination Gitmo in New England

Here's some chilling highlights of this pending "Pandemic Response" law in Massachusetts, as featured in a recent Mike Adam's Natural News article, which is linked below this post. It all boils down to forced vaccinations and or FEMA(?) camp quarantines. Fasten your seat belts. You are now entering the slippery slope of Orwellian, Big Government and Big Pharma Pandemic Emergency "Pandemic" Procedures.

1,000 Dollar A Day Fines Or 30 Days Imprisonment

Anyone who knowingly violates an official order, which poses a serious danger to public health per the commissioner or local public health authority.

Forced Vaccinations

To prevent a serious danger to "public health" the local health authority or commissioner can at their discretion: "vaccinate or provide precautionary prophylaxis to individuals as protection against communicable diseases..."

Note:Prophylaxis: A measure taken for the prevention of a disease or condition. For example, dental prophylaxis consists of removing plaque and cleaning the teeth to prevent cavities and gum disease. -

3. Involuntary Transportation

Law enforcement authorities, the commissioner and his agents have the legal right to whisk away or "involuntarily transport" individuals who refuse "treatment" to the tuberculosis center.

Forced Quarantine For Those Who Refuse Vaccination

If you refuse to be vaccinated or treated according to the official "Pandemic Emergency" protocol you will be forcibly quarantined.

Arrest For Those Who Refuse To Be "Decontaminated"

If you are unwilling or unable to submit to decontamination procedures, you will be arrested and held for as long as it takes to get a Superior Court order to legally force you to get "decontaminated."


If the commissioner or public health official believes that you are a threat to public health they can essentially hold and interrogate you for as long as they deem "reasonably necessary" in order to convey or extract information if the person's refusal to supply or comply with health officials poses a serious threat to public health. The person or persons engaging in noncompliance with official requests can be isolated or quarantined.

Forced Entry

This allows the Massachusetts police to enter any home or building they believe may pose a threat to public health. This will be a warrant-less search not based on probable cause but mere official suspicion. They can close, evacuate, or even destroy any facility or object that they suspect to be a public health danger. They can use any toxic agent they deem necessary to "decontaminate" the premises and interrogate, arrest and or detain all occupants.

Forced Isolation and Quarantine

Any individual who refuses or is unable or unwilling to be vaccinated, or refuses "precautionary prophylaxis, medical treatment, or decontamination, medical examination, tests, or specimen collection, and whose refusal of one or more of these measures poses a serious threat to public health or results in uncertainty {as to} whether he or she has been exposed to or is infected with a disease or condition that poses a serious danger to public health."

"The illusion of freedom will continue as long as it's profitable to continue the illusion. At the point where the illusion becomes too expensive to maintain, they will just take down the scenery, they will pull back the curtains, they will move the tables and chairs out of the way, and you will see the brick wall at the back of the theater."
-Frank Zappa 1977

Go here for Mike Adams' complete analysis of this draconian legislation and link to the actual Massachusetts Bill:

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