Dismantling IT and urban flu myths

Testing the new Google Reader share this feature with this blog post by Hanna from the Informaticist

Dismantling IT and urban flu myths: "

According to Pulse (Tories unveil plans to ‘dismantle’ NHS IT infrastructure) a new Conservative government would dismantle the national programme for IT in favour of a lovely local version instead which a bit similar to arguments surrounding local versus centralised medicine albeit this has some degree of logic viz quality; somehow IT projects do get stereotyped as unfathomly unwieldly whatever original size/budget. The BMA welcomed the move but wanted the control of patient records to stay with patients not private companies. It seems it will fall into private hands in any case, with Labour they love a good PPI. Perhaps people should walk around with it round their neck on a secure dongle? It is interesting where this will go now that many people are publishing details freely on the internet and not making the connection…

Meanwhile something I don’t think we have mentioned yet on this blog is avian flu or its many other names. The Lancet sped up a systematic review of the use of Tamiflu et al or neuraminidase inhibitors and found that they are not beneficial when given out to the healthy general populace…hmm evidence based policy is rather thin on the ground now anyone can ring up for their antivirals; one GP says public health is now a patronising public nuisance.

And a last thing I came across today is a blind search engine test. Blindsearch, from a Microsoft employee with no much time on his hands, searches across Google, Yahoo and Bing and gets you to vote for the one you prefer when you’ve seen the results, the search engine is revealed once you’ve voted. It seemed to slide off my page but that might be a local problem, otherwise intriguing.


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