During the Black Plague of the 15th century, there was an infamous group of four grave robbers and murdering scoundrels from Marseilles, France, who miraculously managed to out smart the "Black Death." Legend has it that these thieves were able to protect themselves from the deadly plague while robbing those who had died or were dying by using a vinegar infusion of essential oils, herbs, and garlic.
NOTE:The Black Death came in three forms, the bubonic, pneumonic, and septicemic. Each different form of plague killed people in a vicious way. All forms were caused by a bacterium called Yersinia pestis.
The Black Plague was the most dreaded disease of the medieval world. Approximately half the people of western Europe died (about 25 million in 5 years) along with an estimated 35 million Asians. Those who were stricken with the plague usually died within a few agonizing days. Here's what the Italian writer Boccaccio said about plague victims “[They] ate lunch with their friends, and ate dinner with their ancestors in paradise.”
"The first signs were generally aching limbs, and vomiting of blood. Then the lymph nodes would begin to swell. The lymph nodes are glands found in the neck, armpits, and groin. The swelling continued for three or four days until the lymph nodes burst. The swiftness of the disease, the enormous pain, and the grotesque appearance of the victims all served to make the plague especially horrifying. It was called the black death because red spots appeared on the skin that then turned black."
Today we know that the plague is a bacterial infection (Yersinia pestis) that attacks the lymph system. It's transmitted by a bite from an infected flea or rodent. Rarely is it caught indirectly from contaminated clothing or other items. Generally it is not transmitted from person to person. Although the bubonic plague still exists, it is routinely cured with antibiotics.
Which brings me back to the Four Thieves legend.
Of course, there are many claiming to have the authentic Four Thieves formula. Ingrid Naiman briefly discusses the famous French aromatherapy doctor, Jean Valnet, who wrote a book that supposedly contains two genuine Four Thieves formulas. She believes Valnet's formulas are the real deal. Naiman's website: kitchen doctor contains Valnet's original formula, as well as a couple of contemporary Thieves formulas--including one by Dr. Christopher.
According to Valnet's book, the "Four Thieves" were caught "in the act" around Toulouse, France. For their crimes they were to be burned alive at the stake. In a desperate attempt to ameliorate their fate, the thieves agreed to divulge their secret anti-plague formula if the court would spare their lives. They revealed their formula, and instead of being burned at the stake they were hanged.
Nostradamus: original portrait by his son Cesar
Naiman also includes some intriguing information about Nostradamus (1503-1566), who was a renown prophet, astrologer, and doctor. Nostradamus owned a perfumery where plants and flowers were used to make therapeutic grade essential oils. He along with his employees survived the plague. It is said that Nostradamus cured people of the "Black Death" with his "rose petal pills." Unfortunately, we don't really know what was in these potent, healing lozenges.
For those of you who want to make your own Thieves formula, Health Maven recommends that you buy all your herbs (only organic) and therapeutic grade essential oils from Mountain Rose Herbs by clicking the banner below. WARNING: ONLY USE UNADULTERATED, THERAPEUTIC GRADE OILS FOR YOUR THIEVES FORMULAS!
Protect Yourself: How To Make a Modern Version of Thieves Vinegar
- Get a quart jar with a good lid.
- Get a quarter cup of dry or 3/4 cup fresh Lavender, Sage, Lemon Balm, Rosemary, Peppermint and and Artemesia annua (wormwood, sweet Annie) and place them in a jar. Freshly dried herbs make the strongest vinegar.
- You can add or substitute thyme, oregano, bee balm (monarda), white sage or similar herbs. Basil tends to turn black and mushy. If you can't find the sweet Annie, you can find a one ounce tincture bottle from a health food store and add it.
- Add 2 TBSP chili peppers and 8 minced cloves garlic. The chili is a modern addition since the sweet Annie is less strong than the European wormwood.
- Cover the herbs with [raw] apple cider vinegar. I prefer a live vinegar like Bragg organic which has some of the mother of vinegar in it, but any cider vinegar will do. Make sure all of the herbs are covered so they will not rot.
- Cover with a lid. The vinegar should not contact the lid.
- Top off the jar after the herbs absorb some of the vinegar.
- Let stand for at least four weeks. If you want some before, take it off of the top.
- Strain and squeeze out the leaves. Place in glass bottles.
- Take a tablespoon a day to prevent illness, especially during the flu season. You can use it over salads or meat as well.
- Don't be afraid to substitute if you can't find all of the herbs. Many kitchen spices are medicinal, but they must be fresh.
- If you grow herbs, dry them in a dark dry place a few days before starting. This will keep the vinegar stronger than using fresh herbs.
- If you are coming down with the flu or a similar illness, then take a tablespoon every few hours until it passes.
- The leaves in the vinegar also provide minerals for your bones in the acid form that is most easily assimilated.
- Be kind to the earth and compost the herbs after using!
- http://www.acupuncturebrooklyn.com/how-tos/thieves-vinegar-recipe-to-help-you-survive-the-flu-season
Article provided by wikiHow, a wiki how-to manual. Please edit this article and find author credits at the original wikiHow article on How to Make Thieve’s Vinegar to Prevent Disease. All content on wikiHow can be shared under a Creative Commons license.
For external Application Only. NOTE: The following Thieves formula is very potent. I recommend a small dab of the formula should first be tested on a not to sensitive patch of skin prior to a full application.
This blend of therapeutic-grade essential oils was tested at Weber State University for its potent antimicrobial properties. Thieves oil was found to have a 99.96% percent kill rate against airborne bacteria. The oils are highly antiviral, antiseptic,antibacterial,anti-infectious and help to protect the body against such illnesses as flu, colds, sinusitis,bronchitis,pneumonia, sore throats, cuts etc.
Apply few drops to bottom of feet or stomach and rub into skin
Here is the receipt for the mixture place into a small brown bottle and add the amounts of herbs listed below
Clove oil (syzgium aromaticum) 200 drops or 1/2 ounce.
Lemon oil (Citrus limon) 175 drops
Cinnamon Bark oil (Cinnamoomum verum) 100 drops
Eucalyptus oil ( Eucalyptus radiata) 75 drops
Rosemary oil (Rosimarinus officinalis ) 50 drops
You can also use in small spray bottle and mist the air in home and car, I also place mixture in a pan of water and place on wood stove during the fall, winter and spring.
SOURCE: http://stevequayle.com/News.alert/06_Prep_...90427.oils.html
More Thieves Recipes from Botanica West:
“Four Thieves Vinegar”, may offer protection against fearsome possible threats, such as the flu, smallpox, and biological weapons, which concern us today, as all of its ingredients are either strong anti-bacterial agents, or have potent anti-viral properties.
Hear are some recipes for the vinegar of the four thieves:
Four Thieves Vinegar
2 QT Apple Cider Vinegar
2 Tbls Lavender
2 Tbls Rosemary
2 Tbls Sage
2 Tbls Wormwood
2 Tbls Rue
2 Tbls Mint
The herbs can be fresh, powdered or whole. Please understand and make sure that you know this is absolutely not for drinking straight in large quantities. You can bath or spray it on your body or on contaminated surfaces. 1/2 tsp 5-7 times a day orally is quite adequate during the flu season for 7-10 days.
Put the herbs in the vinegar. Shake well. Let is sit in the sun for two weeks.
Open. Drop in six cloves of garlic. Cap it. Shake well. Let sit in sun for one week.
Strain. Pour into bottles or jar. Seal with wax or add glycerin to preserve it.
1 part lavender, dried
1 part sage, dried
1 part thyme, dried
1 part lemon balm (melissa), dried
1 part hyssop, dried
1 part peppermint, dried
1 handful garlic cloves
Raw (unpasteurized), organic apple cider vinegar
• In a glass jar, place all dry ingredients.
• Add raw (unpasteurized), organic apple cider vinegar to cover
• Place jar in a cool place and let sit, at room temperature, for six weeks.
• Strain off herbs and garlic, and decant to a glass bottle or jar with a tight fitting lid.
• Take a teaspoonful several times daily.
• Add to salads either directly or in a salad dressing.
• For personal protection, add a teaspoonful to bath water.
• Use as a topical spray for disinfecting surfaces and/or skin
juniper berries
white wine vinegar
1 part eucalyptus
1 part rosemary
1 part cinnamon
1 part clove
1 part lemon
Carrier oil (olive, jojoba, or your choice)
I put 50 drops of each oil in a 2 oz. bottle and then top it off with jojoba oil (I like jojoba oil because it seems to never go rancid).
An alternative recipe:
200 drops Clove Bud Oil
175 drops Lemon Oil
100 drops Cinnamon Oil
75 drops Eucalyptus Oil
50 drops Rosemary
Mix with jojoba oil.
• Apply 1-2 drops of Four Thieves on the bottoms of the feet and on the nape of the neck.
• Apply under the arms and on the chest.
• Diffuse for 20 minutes or less at work or at home.
Dr. Lawrence Rosen, A New Jersey, Pediatrician offers his version of the centuries old Thieves formula for a super, simple homemade hand-sanitizer.
Dr. Rosen's formula.
Water [distilled works best]
Oils: Rosemary, lemon, clove bud and eucalyptus [pure,therapeutic grade] essential oils. And a small jar of cinnamon sticks or (I would use) a few drops of cinnamon essential oil.
Pure aloe Vera
Start with a glass container (not clear but blue or brown) with a spritzer and fill it 2/3 of the way with water (distilled is best)-add a tablespoon of pure, aloe vera gel, and a few drops of the following essential oils: lemon, cinnamon, eucalyptus and clove bud. Top off the container with water. Shake. It's ready to spray on your hands.
"I believe the data on these oils suggest it should be effective for flu viruses such swine flu. Alcohol based sanitizers we have seen over time develop bacteria developed resistance to many of the things in them. So the oils may be more effective." --Dr. Rosen
Video: Watch Dr. Rosen demonstrate how to make your own hand-sanitizer. It's so simple and it only takes about 5 minutes to make. If you watch the video ignore the doctor (AMA, Big Pharma shill?) who requires more 'studies' to determine if the essential oils are anti-bacterial or anti-viral and so on. Hello! The studies have already been done! This mainstream doctor apparently hasn't had the time or inclination to research essential oils. Also, since Dr. Rosen doesn't actually make it clear in the video how the cinnamon sticks are used-- I recommend a few drops of therapeutic grade, essential, cinnamon oil (bark) instead. Beware, use sparingly, cinnamon oil is very very strong.
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Scientist researching Black Death dies from infection linked to plague "The 60-year-old died on Sept. 13 [2009] after being exposed to a weakened [attenuated] form of the bacteria that causes the plague. The strain, which has been used as a vaccine in some countries to protect against bubonic plague, is approved by the US government for lab studies."
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