Posted By Dr. Mercola 9-03-2009

The document on the website of the WHO linked below states that it is common procedure to release pandemic viruses into the population in order to get a jump ahead of the real pandemic, so as to fast track the vaccine for when it is needed. In Europe some manufactures have conducted advanced studies using a so-called "mock-up" vaccine.

According to the website, "such advance studies can greatly expedite regulatory approval."

On June 11 the World Health Organization (WHO) raised its swine flu pandemic alert from a 5 to a 6. Phase 6 is the highest level alert, and reflects the speed with which the virus is spreading--not its severity.

This classification also allows for a vaccine to qualify for a "fast-track" procedure for licensing and approval, and this process is now ongoing for the swine flu vaccine.

What you may not know, however, is that WHO, together with health officials, regulatory authorities, and vaccine manufacturers , have been working since 2007 -- long before this new "threat" of swine flu emerged--to "explore a broad range of issues surrounding the regulatory approval of pandemic vaccines."


READ HERE: World Health Organization


Journalist Files Charges Against The Who and UN for Bioterrorism and Intent to Commit Mass Murder "Burgermeister's charges include that Baxter AG, Austrian Subsidiary of Baxter International, Deliberately sent out 72 kilos of live bird flu virus in the winter of 2009 to 16 laboratories in 4 countries. She claims this evidence offers clear proof that the pharmacutical companies and international government agencies themselves are actively engaged in producing, developing, manufacturing, and distributing biological agents classified as the most deadly biological weapons on earth in order to trigger a pandemic and cause mass death."

Vaccines as Biological Weapons: Live Avian Flu Virus Placed in Baxter Vaccine Materials Sent to to 18 Countries

H5N1 Mixed with Human Flu Vax - Huh?
"... Is this a deliberate attempt to jump-start a pandemic"?
--Patricia Doyle

Dangerous, Deadly H1N1 Vaccine Scam

"Mock up vaccines are made from live genetically-engineered viruses that spread like the flu after injection. So the threatening pandemic may contain genetic parts, and whole new viruses from these new laboratory produced pathogens."

"For all we know, deadly avian and Spanish flu viruses unearthed by vaccine companies is 'mocked -up' in these vaccines. You literally need 'national security clearance' to get the full ingredients list."

"This "mock-up" ingredient is being used, WHO Officials explained, "to greatly expedite regulatory approval"of the vaccines that will not be tested for long term side-effects, including cancer and autoimmune diseases, since millions of people are urged to receive the vaccines by fall."

"How do you 'green' weapons of mass destruction like nerve gas, nuclear bombs, or 'mock-up' vaccines that spread unnatural pandemics of cancer and flu?"

"The WHO is now telling us to accept releases of 'mock viruses'--live new strains of H1N1 and other laboratory engineered bio-weapons."
--Dr. Len Horowitz


Health Maven has suspected starting with the April 2009 outbreak of the so-called "Swine"Flu in Mexico City-- that something may have been "released"-- and that the H1N1 "virus" was most likely concocted in a lab. Since then, there has been a steady stream of events and revelations to support our suspicions. Have you read the recent post by Health Maven on Engineering Consent? It's the one with a picture of a sheep watching TV news.

That post explains the dynamics of social engineering through the steps of PROBLEM - REACTION - SOLUTION. The idea is to stealthily create the PROBLEM, in order to illicit strong, public REACTION-- whereby the public demands a SOLUTION to the "fake" problem --which then allows for the prefabricated solution to be implemented--primarily for the purpose of enriching the group that created the engineered scenario from "behind the curtain."

Of course, enrichment often includes power as well as money.

The question to ask then is "who benefits"? And follow the money.

Do you know about this inconvenient truth?

"... Attenuated [virus] vaccines can be deadly and cause "virus shedding" when, a person is injected with an attenuated live virus the organism moves through the human body possibly infecting the host and then exiting through the feces, mucous membranes, and saliva glands of the inoculated person. This is called virus shedding and can last for weeks."

"Imagine millions of children being involuntarily vaccinated this coming fall that will be shedding H1N1 virus across the country in the sewage drains and possibly in the desalination process and in our tap water."

by No World System


MSM: Polio Vaccine is Spreading a Mutant Polio Strain (Aug. 16, 2009)

Polio Vaccine Victim Wins Lawsuit Against Big Pharma
P.S.Dominick Tenuto contracted polio from changing his "live"polio vaccinated daughter's diaper-- this is virus shedding!

READ MORE: Swine Flu Vaccines Contain Live H1N1Virus!

Here's a question for the pro-vaccination crowd--the ones who are so concerned about getting the H1N1 flu from those who wisely refuse the jab. WHO is going to protect us (not vaccinated) from those who are vaccinated--and could unknowingly be shedding viruses and spreading diseases that were injected into them?

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