And as a result, alarm bells are now ringing about the new swine flu vaccine.
Should you be worried?
A just released study by the peer-reviewed journal Neurotoxicology has seemingly confirmed a link between vaccines containing Thimerosol and neurological damage
A University of Pittsburgh research team monitored the reflexes of a group of 20 macaque monkeys. Thirteen had been vaccinated within 24 hours of birth by a Hepatitis B vaccine containing the preservative Thimerosol; the others had either received a placebo injection or were unvaccinated
Over two weeks, the researchers studied the infant monkeys' abilities to perform nine basic reflexes. Three of the reflexes were significantly delayed in the vaccinated monkeys, while two other reflexes were also delayed and "approached significance".
Those not given the vaccine showed no delays in development.
The vaccinated macaques learned more slowly to: 1) turn their head in response to a brush on the cheek (the root reflex); 2) open their mouth in response to a brush on the forehead (the snout reflex); and 3) suck on a nipple placed in their mouth (the suck reflex)
The amount of Thimerosal was adjusted for weight and the primates received only 2mcg.
Alarm bells are now ringing because the new AH1N1 (swine flu) vaccine contains 24.5mcg of Thimerosol - 49 times the FDA allowable daily limit for adults. It has been deemed ‘unsafe’ for children under ten years; however, pregnant mothers are being targeted as the first recipients.
According to Dr. Andrew Wakefield, Executive Director of Thoughtful House, "Thimerosal is still routinely used in Hepatitis B andnumerous other vaccines world-wide."
The researchers involved in the study were keen to point out that they could not be sure if it was the Thimerosol that caused the neurological damage, the vaccine itself, or a combination of the two. Clearly more research is needed before we begin a mass vaccination program for the AH1N1 (swine flu).
Comment: It is a great pity that infant monkeys had to be used in these studies to demonstrate what has been obvious for decades now. Let's hope that changes to the way we treat them and our own young are soon on the way.
Posted On: Homeopathy Plus!
Primary Source: Primate study shows significant harm from one birth dose of a mercury-containing vaccine.
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