Kansas Governor :en:Kathleen Sebelius speaks w...Image via Wikipedia

Americans Must Get Swine Flu Vaccination

Why does Health and Human Services Secretary, Kathleen Sebelius relentlessly shepherd the American people into taking a very questionable vaccine for protection against a proven, mild flu? It's easy for Kathleen to assure us this likely bioweapon -- I mean 'flu' vaccine is safe. She has NOTHING to lose and everything to gain. She's a government sponsored, drug pusher for Big Pharma -- and they pay their lackeys well. The real question is this: What is her official claim of safety based on? Could it be based on assurances from the vaccine manufacturers like Baxter and Novartis and the genocidal driven WHO? Could it be based on the "comforting illusions" of those who stand to make billions from the toxic jab? Well Kathleen, if the U.S. government and the WHO are so certain of the safety of this vaccine (weapon of mass destruction) then why has everyone involved in this dangerous hoax been removed from any and all forms of liability?

"The government’s $16 million propaganda drive to persuade Americans to get the swine flu vaccine and to erase public skepticism over the safety of immunizations is now in full flow, with Sebelius appearing on almost every major news network today."--Steve Watson, Prison Planet

Those wise enough to do their own research on the so-called "swine flu" and Big Pharma's vaccination scam would NEVER, ever submit to it. We should know by now, without a doubt, that the WHO, the U.S. government and the MSM (mainstream media) are all in bed with Big Pharma, and they are pushing this evil, psychological operation in a coordinated fashion. That's why government mouthpieces like Sebelius can tell us with a straight face: "Americans MUST get swine flu vaccination". Who benefits? Who loses? Follow the money!

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Federal government of the United States
dangerous vaccine

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