Ava Saves A Baby Squirrel!

I know that I generally write about health since this is a health blog but I thought that today I would share with you a wonderful story about the cutest little baby squirrel that Ava (my 6 year old daughter) and I were able to save.

Since I enjoy and appreciate wildlife, I have tried to create a refuge for the wildlife in my neighborhood by putting in a small pond and planting plants that the animals can eat from year round in my backyard. I also put out various bird feeders and squirrel and duck food (somehow a couple of ducks found my tiny pond and come each summer) daily.

Generally when spring arrives we are found with a few wildlife emergencies but this year we had not had rescued but one small robin so it was interesting that Friday morning Ava mentioned how we had not found any injured animals in awhile. I was relieved at this as it is stressful and sometimes regardless of what we do to try and help the wildlife they don't make it. So, as we got home Friday evening Ava started yelling that there was a baby animal hurt or possibly dead. My stomach turned at the thought of it being dead (I get very emotional about these little creatures) and went over to take a look.

There lying in the grass was a tiny little animal with flies buzzing on it and not moving. With a heavy heart I got my gardeners gloves and prepared to have an animal funeral with Ava. You can imagine my surprise and Ava's screams when the little baby jumped in my hands. AHHHHHH-now what and what is this little teeny tiny alive animal that is going to die if I don't do something QUICK? We quickly grabbed a cat carrier, put some warm towels in and put the baby in it. I ran up to the computer and discovered this was a baby squirrel that was dehydrated and needed to get its body temperature up quick or death was imminent.

Panicking Ava and I put a heating pad under some towels and wrapped the baby in blankets while we ran to buy Pedialyte to restore electrolytes. With a syringe we fed the baby warmed up Gatorade and Pedialyte every two hours throughout the evening and morning (need I tell you that I got no sleep at all that night) until our local wildlife rescue center opened and we could take him there.

It was cute because once he was warmed up a bit and feeling a bit better he started whistling very loudly and walking around. When we arrived at Operation Wildlife we were told that he looked great and we had done a good job of getting him hydrated and keeping him warm.

I hope once he is ready to be released back into the wild he can be released here. We named him Fuzzy and are already attached (would love to see him running around the yard with the other squirrels). I love that my daughter Ava loves animals so much and understands the importance of treating all creatures with kindness and love. This made my day and this is one of the reasons I get up in the morning. I am a big believer in the power of one-even if you can help one animal, or one person in all your life then I feel you have done something to make the world and your heart a better place.

P.S. That is him in the picture!

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