Here are some tips that are very easy to follow. It may help you lose weight without too much pain.
1. Fresh air may lead you to work out more.
People who walked, hiked or biked on trails at least once a week were twice as likely to get 30 minutes of exercise almost every day as those who didn't head outdoors, say researchers from the University of Utah. So try to skip the gym every once in a while and get outside
2. Eating more calcium-rich food may help in the battle of the bulge.
Recent studies have suggested. A study of overweight people by Danish scientists hints at why dairy might help dieters: It seems to reduce fat absorption. After study participants ate meals that contained either a high or medium amount of low- fat yogurt and milk, their blood-fat levels were 15 to 19 percent lower than those of a group that ate only a small amount of dairy. Interestingly, this was true even when participants who were given the low dairy meals also took a calcium supplement. Good thing i love cheese.
3. Look for a quiet spot - People who sit in the more distracting parts of restaurants ( by a window or in front of a TV) eat considerably more, says Brian Wansick, Ph.d. Author of Mindless eating: why we eat more than we think. Commotion makes it eay to lose track of how much you're putting in your mouth. If you're making a reservation, request a quiet table. If you walk in and offered a table in a busier spot, ask for one away from the action -Jessica costole
So the next time you thought of eating in front of a TV, think again. You might have eaten more than what you think. It does affect your waistline.
Working out and paying attention to your diet can lead you to lose weight, but these tips may help you too lose some more even if your out of the gym and just taking your break. Have a nice weekend!
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