15 Steps To Take If You Are Force Vaccinated

In case you've forgotten, here's a reminder. The WHO (World Health Organization) announced on July 13, 2009 that you
must roll up your sleeve for the toxic H1N1 flu jab. Think about it. Essentially, the WHO, by decree has set in motion the looming probability of a global forced vaccination campaign.

Talk about top down decision making, exactly WHO are these unelected bureaucrats really working for? Global medical fascism is upon us. If you aren't aware of this, read the details here: It is Official: WHO Recommends Mandatory Injections to Almost Two Hundred Countries.

"When we give government the power to make medical decisions for us, we, in essence, accept that the state owns our bodies." -- Congressman Ron Paul

Depending on your degree of denial you may be frantically signing petitions, preparing for 'self quarantine,' composing religious based exemptions, and citing the Bill of Rights and other, dare I say, comforting illusions.

But then again, WHO am I to say
authoritatively you won't be able to avoid the toxic cocktail of live (attenuated) flu virus vaccine with mercury and squalene, for good measure, contaminating your body? Truth is, I can't be sure how it will play out. Neither can you.

Maybe as an echo of the 1960's draft dodgers against the Vietnam War, we will see some vaccination dodgers soon. After all, the draft was mandatory, even for bogus wars. And we are on the threshold of mandatory vaccinations for a bogus pandemic!

Then there's this: Refusing vaccination labels you a criminal, so says WHO ?

Do you see what I see? Three decrees by the WHO and you could be a
D E A D- M A N- W A L K I N G?


First WHO decree: WHO declares first 21st century flu pandemic

Second WHO Decree: Recommendation of M A N D A T O R Y vaccinations for all 194 member countries.

Third WHO Decree: Recommendation that flu vaccines contain live (attenuated) virus.

Hmmmmm... Remember the old saying "Just because you're paranoid doesn't mean they're not out to get you." Not to worry too much. Help is on the way. There is a plan B if you're not a successful vaccination dodger.

The 15 steps are in this article linked here: What to do if Forced Vaccinated by Russell Blaylock, MD.


Read: Manipulating the Data to Justify a Worldwide Public Health Emergency

Swine Flu Conference Plans Forced Quarantines and Mass Vaccinations

Incredible Background: Watch the Original 1979 60 Minutes Expose on the 1976 USA Government Sponsored Vaccination Nightmare

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