Doctors in Mexico City Cured 2009 Swine Flu with Homeopathy

During the most devastating flu pandemic ever, the 1918 so called "Spanish Flu", homeopathy had a 90% cure rate. In those days, homeopathy was very popular. Since then, mainstream AMA medicine (allopathy) has pushed homeopathy almost to extinction in the United States.

There has been a resurgence of homeopathy recently, especially with its efficacy for post vaccination traumas and diseases. So why isn't even more known about homeopathy? Could it be it's not as profitable to Big
Pharma even though more effective and safer than pharmaceuticals?

During the recent 2009 swine flu outbreak in Mexico City, Mexican homeopaths once again proved the efficacy of homeopathy with a high cure rate and no serious side effects among those they treated. Find out more about that and homeopathy in general in this article linked here: Doctors in Mexico City Cured 2009 Swine Flu with Homeopathy.

If homeopathy was so effective during the worst flu pandemic in history during 1918, and once again in Mexico during the 2009 swine flu outbreak, why are we confronted this with government enforced vaccinations and pharmaceuticals? Who benefits? Follow the money.

MUST READ: Swine Flu Cure Used During 1918 Flu Pandemic

Doctors in India Say Homeopathy Can Prevent and Cure Swine Flu Without Side Effects

Can Chinese Herbs Cure the Swine Flu?

Watch Several Videos Here: Alternative Methods for Swine Flu Prevention and Cure

Homeopathy has a 200-Year-Old History of Success in Treating Epidemic Diseases

Ciao for Now

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1918 flu pandemic
Big Pharma

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