Over a decade ago a Black Elderberry tincture, brand named Sambucol, was clinically tested on flu patients in two different countries, Israel and Norway. It was observed that virtually all the patients treated with Sambucol recovered from various strains of type A and type B flues much more quickly and uniformly than those given Tamiflu.
In addition to having greater efficacy at a lower price tag than Tamiflu, there were no side effects. For several years Japan had banned Tamiflu because so many young people who had taken it had mild to severe neurological reactions. Anything from extreme hyper activity to attempting suicide! More recently in the U.K., over 50% of children taking Tamiflu had side effects of nasua, nightmares, and insomnia. Recently, a TV host in the UK said his daughter almost died from Tamiflu.
Any serious side effects with Tamiflu in the USA were hidden from public awareness. But it is commonly known that even normal side effects are similar to flu symptoms, which are exacerbated with Tamiflu. And it takes almost as long to get over a flu infection using Tamiflu as it takes to heal without it! The curative results with Sambucol were much quicker with no side effects.
This is more evidence that pharmaceutical solutions are hazardous, expensive, and not as effective as promoted, while natural solutions can be more effective, cheaper, and without side effects.
Though much less expensive than the pharmaceuticals Tamiflu and Relenza, the natural remedy Sambucol is rather pricey, especially if you have family members with flu symptoms. A family can go through several ounces quickly then be forced to reorder. Time lost and money spent.
That's why I recommend making your own Black Elderberry tincture in large quantities. Make sure you use whole dried Black Elderberries (Sambucus Nigra), ordered from an organic provider, but not the powder form.
NOTE: We ordered our organic black elderberries from Mountain Rose Herbs at a great price. You can buy the elderberries right here at the Health Maven by clicking the Mountain Rose banner. Look to the far right and you'll see the light blue sidebar. The Mountain Rose banner is located near the spices and health category. Thanks for your support!
Recipe Ingredients
- A half pound or more of dried Black Elderberries
- Grain alcohol if available, or vodka
- Distilled Water (if using grain alcohol)
- One or more glass jars (Mason jars are good)
Recipe Procedure
Grain alcohol is safe to drink and has a higher alcohol content than liquor. It ranges from 151 proof (75.5% alcohol) to 190 proof (95% alcohol). Mix that 50/50 with distilled water in a glass container. Distilled water is the best, perhaps only way to go for tinctures.
If you can't get grain alcohol, then use a high proof vodka, preferably 100 proof, which is 50% alcohol. Skip the distilled water. You will not mix the vodka with distilled water since it is 50% alcohol or 40% alcohol with the more common 80 proof vodka .
Pour berries to one third of the jar's volume or level. Then pour in the grain alcohol and distilled water 50/50 mix, or the vodka undiluted, to near the top of the jar. Leave enough space near the top to be able to gently shake for mixing.
Store in a dark, cool (not cold) space and shake gently for several seconds every day for 30 days. When the 30 days is over, strain a small amount into smaller glass, darkly tinted bottles. These bottles come in one to four ounce sizes. The smaller bottles will be your user bottles. Keep the larger jar with the berries in solution where it is and shake every few days instead of daily.
If you wish to minimize the amount of alcohol consumed, place the recommended dose into a half cup of hot water, let it sit for a few moments, then drink it. This is a standard procedure for evaporating some of the alcohol. The shelf life of alcohol tinctures stored properly is indefinite - virtually forever!
Recommended dosage during an infection is one teaspoonful straight or diluted in a small amount of water 4 to 5 times daily. For more details on Black Elderberry, go to my Natural News article, "Elderberry Trumps Tamiflu for Flu Remedy.

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