The Engineering of Consent . . .

"The smart way to keep people passive and obedient is to strictly limit the spectrum of acceptable opinion, but allow very lively debate within that."
- Noam Chomsky

"Whoever controls the media controls the mind."

- Jim Morrison

"The media's the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that's power. Because they control the minds of the masses."
- Malcom X

Are you familiar with the phrase,"The Engineering of Consent?" That's a phrase coined by Edward Bernays, the father of public relations, who coincidentally was the nephew of Sigmund Freud Specifically, it was the title of an essay Mr. Bernays penned in 1947.

The basic premise behind "The Engineering of Consent" was that the masses could not be trusted and they were inherently unable to make 'appropriate' rational decisions on their own. They needed to be controlled, and steered into narrow elite enriching top down political agendas, and mindless consumerism by the hidden hand of the power elite.

Two revealing quotes...

"The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country." -- Edward Bernays

"We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of. This is the logical result of the way in which our democratic society is organized." -- Edward Bernays

Thus a Freudian based form of societal mind control was developed by Edward Bernays and euphemistically called PR (public relations). The government version of this black science is loosely termed propaganda while the corporate version is called advertising and PR. Bernays worked both for corporations and for the government.

In actuality there isn't much difference between the two. A concise statement by Mussolini says it best: "Fascism should more properly be called corporatism because it is the merger of state and corporate power." Once you pull back the curtain, it is obvious that corporation and government power are merged around similar goals.

Essentially, Bernays was able to harness Freud's theory of unconscious motivations to advance, under the radar of conscious public perception, a hidden elite driven governmental and corporate agenda. The idea was to subliminally control and shape public opinion and thus behavior, minus the consent or input of those being manipulated.

It isn't enough that the controllers can stealthily move people like pawns in and out of predetermined positions on their contrived, elitist chessboard. The idea is to move the 'pieces' in the right direction according to a preconceived plan.

These predetermined positions have been accurately described by David Icke, a controversial, UK conspiracy researcher, and prolific author, as
problem -reaction-solution. Icke explains that this is the method the elites use to advance their hidden agendas.

It works like this. The Elite have a goal that they know the people will oppose or resist. So in order to avoid this resistance, the first step is to create a problem. For example, let's pretend that the elite want to start a war for profit, increased hegemony, and even stealing foreign countries' natural resources--like gas and oil.

The public would probably not be willing to support a war based on the above reasons. Therefore, a problem or situation must be arranged behind the scenes to look like a problem was created by the same people or country that the elites secretly want to occupy and steal from. Let's say the elites want to control Iran's oil and from there incrementally establish control over all of Eurasia's oil.

The idea would be to frame the target country and make it look like this country needs to be invaded and occupied because they have weapons of mass destruction and they are a threat to national and international security, etc. false flag operations are typically employed to blame and frame the target country. This poses the PROBLEM.

Conveniently, at this stage assorted piles of fake evidence will be trotted out via the mainstream or mass media 24/7- to whip the public into a "reason based" fear frenzy, which results in a public reaction to the problem. The key word is REACTION.

Once the public reacts to the contrived problem, the elites, via their bought and paid for political puppets, pretend a solution is necessary for the public welfare, as they insert the elites desired outcome or solution to the problem the elites had secretly created. That is the SOLUTION.

Outcome: The Elite war is sanctioned based on half truths and total lies, while the people assume that the government is responding to their legitimate security needs.

Carefully crafted, emotionally charged rhetoric is skillfully used to arouse instinctual base emotions like anger and fear, flight or fight. Catchy slogans are used to replace independent, critical thinking regarding the desired "solution." Did you know one of Bernays' trademark slogans is: "Making the World Safe For Democracy."

This next aspect of "public relations" is extremely important for this type of "mind control" to be effective. The masses must never suspect that "their" thoughts and conclusions have been "engineered" by an outside entity that does not have their best interests at heart.

"The key is invisibility. Once propaganda becomes visible, it's less effective. Public relations is effective in manipulating opinion - and thus public policy - only if the people believe that the message covertly delivered by the PR campaign is not propaganda at all but simply common sense or accepted reality." -- John Stauber

Can you see how the Freudian premise of unconscious motivation plays out seamlessly here? Bernays knew that the instinctual layers of the unconscious mind could be mobilized to action directly-- bypassing the conscious mind completely. He also knew that people use justifications and other psychological defense mechanisms to deny that they are to a large extent controlled by irrational forces that exist below conscious awareness.

It should be obvious that the reason I'm writing about Bernays is to remind you, or in some cases to inform you, that the merger of government and corporate power is a fact. And that PR is being routinely used to shape and steer public perception for the benefit of hidden elite agendas.

READ: Twenty-Five Ways To Suppress the Truth: The Rules of Disinformation

This "mind control" is a BLACK science, or art of sorts. And it is constantly being used as an indoctrination tool for perception control. You see, it's all about controlling perception. Whoever controls and shapes the flow of information in a country controls the people.

"Information control is mind control" -- Dick Sutphen

WAR ON TRUTH The Secret Battle for the American Mind

"Today, however, public relations has become a huge, powerful, hidden medium available only to wealthy individuals, big corporations, governments, and government agencies because of its high cost. And the purpose of these campaigns is not to facilitate democracy or to promote social good, but to increase power and profitability for the clients paying the bills. The overall management of public opinion and policy by the few is completely contrary to and destructive of democracy" - John Stauber

The truth is we live in a top down plutocratic system posing as a bottom up grass-root democracy. Here's an example of what I'm talking about.

Currently, Obama is presenting a health care reform program. Actually, it's a Trojan horse for mandatory health insurance program. It has nothing to do with health care. It's a mandatory fascist, medical insurance program. Obama is a broker for corporate insurance interests. He represents them, not you! If you have any doubts read this: Obama's new term:'insurance reform.'

It's time to stop pretending. The USA government is not what it appears to be. It's essentially a front for a hidden organized, international crime network. That's right. I said "organized crime network." Read this: Hidden History: Where Organized Crime and Government Meet

One more time.

The White House is part of an organized international crime network. It's run from behind the scenes (shadow government) for the benefit of those who actually own and run the system via their puppet politicians or front men and women. I encourage all of you to do your own research before you dismiss this assertion as preposterous.

Before-- I sign off-- I have one small request, Dear Reader. Please apply the "problem-reaction -solution" formula to the"Swine Flu"pandemic. Chances are we can all agree that the "solution" part of the formula in this case is mandatory vaccinations( most likely to be phased in for crowd control reasons).

Play around with this information. Dig deep until all the pieces of the Swine Flu Pandemic start to fall into place.

Natural News founder and editor, Mike Adams asks the obvious question that convincingly reinforces the validity of a planned (at the top corporate and government) mandatory vaccination agenda "solution" to the WHO declared level 6 pandemic: Setting the People Up to Die: A Conspiracy of Silence about Swine Flu Natural Remedies

Big Picture Background Quote:

"And it seems to me perfectly in the cards that in the next generation or so, a pharmacological method of making people love their servitude, and producing a kind of painless concentration camp for entire societies, so that the people will in fact have their liberties taken away from them but will rather enjoy it, because they will be distracted from any desire to rebel by propaganda, brainwashing, or brainwashing enhanced by pharmacological methods." - Aldous Huxley

Read: Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity, by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

Video: Ten Things You're Not Suppose to Know About the Swine Flu Vaccine

The real menace of our Republic is the invisible government which like a giant octopus sprawls its slimy legs over our cities, states and nation. At the head is a small group of banking houses generally referred to as 'international bankers.' This little coterie... run our government for their own selfish ends. It operatesunder cover of a self-created screen... {and} seizes...our executive officers...legislative officers... schools... courts, newspapers and every agency created for the public protection. -- John Francis Hylan (April 20, 1868 - January 12, 1936), was the mayor of New York City from 1918 - 1926

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