I have always been a fan of basil putting it in my salads, and using it to add flavor to many dishes (okay, I don’t cook much so yes, it can be sprinkled on tv, canned and boxed dinners). Really though, basil is very easy to chop up and throw into soups, vegetables, casseroles and just about anything- just look below at all the amazing benefits of a little basil! Mmmmmmmmm basil baby!
Sexy Legs With Basil- Just a couple tablespoons of fresh basil supplies,”60 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K which stimulates the body’s production of thrombin, a clotting protein that obstructs circulation to damaged veins and reroutes blood to larger healthy vessels. Researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands discovered that this can cause spider and varicose veins to shrink and fade in as little as six weeks.”
Decreases Appearance of Wrinkles- By having basil on a regular basis you can improve the appearance of wrinkles by 66 percent in as little as 10 days. Basil has high concentrations of flavonoids, which help the body synthesize skin-plumping collagen. Basil is also pumped full of vitamin A and this speeds skin cell turnover to give you that glow we all want!
Basil Burns Fat-Bye, Bye Big Belly-For this alone I will eat basil by the handfuls! According to a study at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, basil has calcium which suppresses the body’s output of calcitriol, a hormone that gives you that increases fat storage in your stomach. The study showed that regular intake of basil melts abdominal fat 81 percent faster. Basil also is full of manganese which is a mineral that stabilizes levels of blood glucose-regulating insulin that staves off cravings and helps to downplay those sugar highs and lows.
Natural Pain Relief- According to research at Michigan State University in East Lansing, a nice big sprinkle of basil relieves muscle pain as well as a standard dose of aspirin. “Eugenol, a component of the herb’s natural oil, inhibits a key enzyme from synthesizing the inflammatory prostaglandins that over sensitize nerves”. I guess in terms I can understand that means it makes the pain go away.
Now, if you are not rushing to the store to get some basil and piling it on and in everything you eat I don’t know what to say. I just threw some in my green tea and it tastes….. interesting. Basil I love you for all you do!
Sexy Legs With Basil- Just a couple tablespoons of fresh basil supplies,”60 percent of the recommended daily allowance of vitamin K which stimulates the body’s production of thrombin, a clotting protein that obstructs circulation to damaged veins and reroutes blood to larger healthy vessels. Researchers at Maastricht University in the Netherlands discovered that this can cause spider and varicose veins to shrink and fade in as little as six weeks.”
Decreases Appearance of Wrinkles- By having basil on a regular basis you can improve the appearance of wrinkles by 66 percent in as little as 10 days. Basil has high concentrations of flavonoids, which help the body synthesize skin-plumping collagen. Basil is also pumped full of vitamin A and this speeds skin cell turnover to give you that glow we all want!
Basil Burns Fat-Bye, Bye Big Belly-For this alone I will eat basil by the handfuls! According to a study at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville, basil has calcium which suppresses the body’s output of calcitriol, a hormone that gives you that increases fat storage in your stomach. The study showed that regular intake of basil melts abdominal fat 81 percent faster. Basil also is full of manganese which is a mineral that stabilizes levels of blood glucose-regulating insulin that staves off cravings and helps to downplay those sugar highs and lows.
Natural Pain Relief- According to research at Michigan State University in East Lansing, a nice big sprinkle of basil relieves muscle pain as well as a standard dose of aspirin. “Eugenol, a component of the herb’s natural oil, inhibits a key enzyme from synthesizing the inflammatory prostaglandins that over sensitize nerves”. I guess in terms I can understand that means it makes the pain go away.
Now, if you are not rushing to the store to get some basil and piling it on and in everything you eat I don’t know what to say. I just threw some in my green tea and it tastes….. interesting. Basil I love you for all you do!
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