What Big Pharma and the CDC Forgot to Tell the Doctors
(Also Known as "The Letter to Doreen")
Tamiflu was developed several years ago after lab tests showed it slowed the replication of viruses in the lab dish. Tests in humans showed it reduced the normal 5 to 7 day course of Flu by 1.5 to 2.5 days.
Most medical doctors mistakenly believe in the "anti-body" response of the immune system as the method by which the body fights viral infections. But not so. The body causes a fever above 101 degrees which stops the telomeres on the ends of the virus from allowing any viral replication.
The fever is the human or mammalian body's primary generalized immune system response to any viral infection. Any palliative treatment which reduces the fever of flu infections will prolong the infection and may lead to irreparable damage or death, mostly from the resulting viral pneumonia. But the pneumonia was caused by lowering the fever and allowing uncontrolled viral replication in the lungs. Most cold and flu medications, including aspirin and Tamiflu are in this palliative class. In the last two years, doctors have been treating patients who have H5N1 Bird Flu. The results are that 50% or half of the treated patients die of viral pneumonia. Were the deaths caused by a "new" more virulent strain of Bird Flu or was it the "new" use of a new anti-viral called Tamiflu? A good doctor would know the difference.
Answering the Questions Most BroJon Readers Ask
Recently a BroJon Digest reader, named Doreen, wrote to ask some of the questions which were also asked by hundreds of other readers. She wrote:
"I read your article about the "Bird Flu", and had a couple questions for you. First, are you a scientist? Second, while your article seems informative (and I agree with your conclusions that the so-called Pandemic is a major scam), I do not get enough information about the difference between Reproduction and Replication, concerning bacteria (reproduce) and virus (replicate)... replicate reminds me of Star Trek, and the replicators on the Enterprise! If you cannot explain the difference for me, can you refer me to a site that can?"
Very good questions. Yes, I am a senior scientist. I have multiple university degrees. I spent several decades working as a senior scientist/engineer for NASA. One of my NASA projects was the rat and monkey biological experiment which flew on the Shuttle Challenger in 1985. I worked directly with astronaut/scientist Dr. Robert Obermeyer. I worked in the ultra-clean lab, testing the cages and data-instrumentation which I built for the experiment, while Bob Obermeyer took the animals in the surgical room and implanted the animals with tiny transmitters which were then recorded on my computer system.
I have long been a medical researcher, but I don't have a medical degree nor license. Thus I don't see things the way most doctors do. One of the things with which I disagree with most, compared to the medical profession is how viruses replicate and infect cells.
Using my degrees in physics and engineering, I studied the surface coatings of viruses. That is how I discovered that the replication of viruses is a very close analog of sexual reproduction. I have not seen that written in any medical textbooks nor journal articles, so, Doreen, I can't direct you to any websites for more information. So I will explain it to you as best I can.
What Most Doctors Never Learned in Medical School
Bacteria are large single-celled animals which are large enough to be seen in a microscope. The bacteria is a protein bag enclosing a fluid which mimics sea water in saltiness and acidity. This reflects the fact that all animal and plant lifeforms on earth formed in the salty ocean of earth. Now, all animal cells carry their salty ocean internally. This cytoplasmic cell fluid contains many parts, including the nucleus of the cell which is very similar to a virus, and many primitive small sub-bacteria which are in each cell, called by such names as mitochondria and golgi-apparatus among others.
These sub-parts are very simple separate bacteria-like bodies which have specific functions in the cell such as collecting oxygen or actually doing the breathing, and other parts which take the sugar, fat and proteins in the blood stream and as they transfer into the cell fluid they are converted into food and energy for each cell. Thus, bacteria are living cells which, (1) can move, (2) can locate and eat food, combining the food and oxygen to make energy, and (3) can reproduce by making copies of each cell by dividing down the middle and making two new identical cells from the original one.
But, unlike bacterial cells, viruses are not alive. They cannot do anything which cells or bacteria can do. All viruses have only two simple parts, (1) a single long strand of a molcule called DNA which may have millions of atoms in the long string, and (2) an outer layer of protective protein bag material, which is made up of the broken parts of the cellular or bacterial protein bag from which the virus last escaped. Viruses are not alive and cannot grow their own protein bag coating. Viruses are so much more tiny than are cells, being made only of a single string of atoms, they cannot be seen with a normal microscope. They can only be seen with electron microscopes.
The DNA strand in the middle of the virus is a long string of connected single sugar molecules called Ribose. Onto each and every Ribose sugar molecule is then attached an amino acid. This process of making DNA can only occur inside a host bacteria cell which has a large supply of free amino acids floating in the salty cytoplasmic fluid. There are about 17 amino acids in the proteins which humans eat, but only 4 critical amino acids are used to make DNA. The banding or repeating pattern of the 4 amino acids, like a string of colored beads, is used to make partial copies of sections of the DNA to make protein-string hormones which control how cells operate and reproduce. These partial protein copies of small sections of the DNA molecule, are actually hormones which communicate with and control other cells, and are what make the cells of your body grow and live.
How DNA Is Used As a Normal Part of Making Your Body Work
The DNA molecules in your cells are similar to a virus DNA, but with several differences. The DNA in your cells are made of two parallel long strands which are electrically bonded together. Over simplifying how they are put together, you could say one half of the double strand came from your mother and the other half came from your father. The two halves are bonded together to make a diploid or complete double strand which makes a compete animal or plant DNA molecule found in the nucleus of all living cells. But the viral DNA is only half of the long double string molecule, it does not have a mother nor father. It only makes repeated identical copies of the original half or haploid molecule itself. Thus the virus cannot "reproduce" in the same way cells do.
But your body actually does the same thing. When a woman ovulates she causes complete cells, which normally divide in half, to instead divide into four parts in her ovaries to divide the original double strand DNA molecule into four single strand ova. Each ovum is a half or haploid version of your original DNA. The normal reproduction of all the cells in your body simply divide into two exact diploid copies. This process is called Mitosis and occurs in almost all of your cells every week or so. But once a month in women, certain cells in the ovary divide by a unique process called Meiosis which causes the cells to divide into four identical parts. But each new primitive cell has only half of the normal DNA strand. Each haploid cell is an ovum, and has the same atomic and molecular single-strand structure as a virus DNA.
The same thing occurs each month in men, when the sperm are made by dividing a body DNA molecule into four to make four haploid or half DNA molecules, which is all that is inside a sperm body. Neither ova nor sperm are living cells. They can't reproduce by themselves. They are each more like a single haploid DNA virus. By sexual reproduction, which is almost exactly the same as a virus entering a cell, the haploid or half DNA from mother and father are combined into a diploid or full double DNA strand thus producing a new living cell, destined to become a new human being. Viruses don't do that. They simply keep making exact copies of the original haploid or half DNA. They are not alive. They cannot grow or mutate from one form of bird flu into another. They are more like inanimate crystals, which can only copy more crystals. They don't grow and mutate. Also, just like a sperm entering through the unique cell wall of an ovum, which is specific to each species, meaning a cow sperm cannot enter into a sheep ovum, a virus cannot enter into just any other cell which has a protein coating different from the coating on the original virus. That's why humans can't get bird flu.
The set of the specific four amino acids which are used to make DNA are called Nucleic Acids when they attach along the long strand of sugar Ribose molecules. When they are attached they are called Ribo-Nucleic Acids. When the whole long strand of millions of RiboNucleic Acids have completely attached from one end of the long chain to the other, it releases an Oxygen atom at the end of the string, carrying away an electron, and then the whole chain is stuck or bonded together by electrical forces. The release of the Oxygen atom is called Deoxyfication. This whole long chain, when it is completely filled, and then de-oxyfied is called De-oxy-ribo Nucleic Acid, or as we know it, DNA.
That is also all that a virus is. Just a long chain of millions of the four amino acids all stuck together in a certain pattern. The only difference between the millions of types of viruses, is the repeating bead-like patterns of the four amino acids along the chain. The virus DNA cannot move by itself, it cannot locate, breath and eat food, and it cannot divide in half and make copies of itself or reproduce the way bacterial cells do. A Virus does not fit the definition of a living thing. It is more like the repeating patterns of atoms in a crystal.
The Mystery of Viral Replication Explained
The only thing that a virus does is a process called Replication. When a virus enters one of your cells, it escapes from within its own old protein surface coating and it stretches out into a long string. The viral DNA then collects millions of free amino acids floating in your salty cell fluid to make a mirror image copy of the four types of amino acids in the viral chain. This reversed mirror image chain is called Retro-deoxy-ribo Nucleic Acid or shortened to RNA. The RNA molecule is special and continues to make another mirror image of itself which is, of course, an exact copy of the original viral DNA. This unique method of making a mirror image of a mirror image to make an exact copy of the original viral DNA is the only method a virus can use to make copies. This is called Replication.
The RNA molecule string will then continue to make many, many copies which result in the original viral DNA now having thousands of exact duplicate DNA copies all made from the amino acids stolen from your cell fluid. This starves your cell of all the amino acids and in a matter of minutes, destroys it. The original virus and its many replicate copies are now free to invade your other body cells.
But before leaving the infected cell, the thousands of new viral DNA copies then steal pieces of the protein bag coating from your damaged and dying cell, and then covers the viral DNA with stolen cell wall material. This is the trick by which the virus can exist in your body. By covering itself with the old cell wall from your own cells, the virus then hides from your immune system, since the virus now looks like just one of your own friendly cells and not a dangerous foreign virus.
The Difference Between Types H5N1 and H3N2 is the Stolen Surface Coat
This means that any certain virus may have many different surface coatings, depending on where it last came from. If it last came from a bird, it is a bird virus and can only infect birds. If the same virus had escaped from a pig or hog, then it is a porcine or pig virus. It is almost impossible for humans to get viruses from horses, dogs, birds or snakes.
Unfortunately, it is quite easy for humans to get viruses from pigs, because of the strange similarity in the tissue typing of pig and human tissue. The atomic structure of the surface coat on pig viruses are similar enough that the pig virus can enter human cells. This is why cell tissue from pigs, such as heart valves, pancreatic insulin and other body parts from pigs can be used in humans. Oddly, it is hard for viruses from our closest mammalian neighbors, the chimps and gorillas, to enter into humans. Simian viruses simply are not close enough with the same cell surface types as human viruses.
That is about as clear as I can explain Viral Replication. It is the process of the copying of atoms and molecules of DNA and RNA in a specific order. It has nothing to do with the dividing and splitting or Reproduction of living cells or beings.
The trick here, Doreen, is that for the viral RNA to make many, many replica copies of the original DNA virus, the viral RNA molecule must detach and release each new DNA copy into the cell fluid, to open up all the atomic connecting spaces along the chain of the long RNA molecule, in order to make room for the next new copy.
Why Mammals are Different from Reptiles and Birds
What causes the RNA copy to completely release the newly made copy, and unzip the new DNA virus from the RNA master copy is something at the end of the molecule chain, called a TELOMERE. When the DNA copy is complete, the electrical charge on the RNA Telomere changes, like flipping an electrical switch, and it then releases and repels the new DNA copy by electrical forces. But the RNA Telomere is temperature sensitive, it won't release a new copy if it is too warm.
If the temperature of the Telomere on the end of the RNA chain is too hot -- meaning above 102 degrees F, then the Telomere cannot unzip and release the new DNA copy. The RNA and the new DNA viral copy are electrically bonded together -- and they are stuck -- they can't unzip and separate. Thus, the original viral DNA cannot replicate even one copy of itself using the RNA if you have a fever of about 101 to 102 degrees. That is why humans and all warm-blooded mammals on earth produce a fever when infected with a virus, since it prevents the original viral DNA from replicating any copies of itself at all. Thus -- the end of the line for the original virus and any viral replication. That is also why most viruses on earth come from birds and reptiles, since they cannot raise their body temperature to cause a fever, and the viruses can run rampant among those animals. Sometimes a viral infections can wipe out and cause complete extinctions among reptiles, amphibians and birds. This is rare among warm-blooded mammals which can create fevers when infected with viruses.
That's also why we have fevers. And that is why reducing the fever with Nyquil, or Aspirin or other cold and flu medications can kill you when the Viral RNA is allowed to unzip millions of copies of the original single Viral DNA molecule. Each new copy of the original viral DNA can then repeat the process and quickly produce billions of copies of itself in an hour or so, and start infecting more and more of your cells, until it kills you. But the high temperature or a fever will stop the viral replication process instantly.
How and Why the CDC Has Misinformed the Public
So Doreen, I would suggest, instead of doing a web search about Viral Replication which doesn't produce much information -- do a web search on "Telomere" or "Telomeres" and find out about the latest research showing how they affect the aging of living cells and how they are sensitive to temperature. Then you will find out about how virus DNA molecules actually replicate. I don't know of any practicing medical doctors who know much about telomeres and viral replication. It seems only medical researchers in the lab know about that important process.
Thanks for your questions, and I hope I have helped you understand Viral Replication. And yes, it's pretty much the same way they did it on Star Trek -- atom by atom. And even though there may be millions of atoms in the long DNA chain, it is so tiny that the Replication process can be completed in much less than a single second in time. Much faster than you can say "zip."
Marshall Smith
Editor, Brother Jonathan Gazette
ADDENDUM: January 16, 2006. In the six weeks since this article was first sent to the readers of the BroJon Daily Digest, it has produced a flood of email responses. Much was from concerned parents worried about giving fever medications to their children who have colds or flu. Also responding were many practicing doctors. As I suspected, most of them had never heard of anything like this before, but it suddenly all made sense to them.
Many of the doctors commended me for (1) doing research which went beyond anything they had read before, and (2) writing about complex topics such as atomic and molecular structure and medicine in such a simple and clear manner that it could be understood by most people. This article seems to have taken on a life of its own, with many copies being sent around the Internet. Among the many email writers, it is most often referred to as, "The Letter to Doreen." I want to thank the many doctors who wrote to me, for their support and encouragement.
-- BROTHER JONATHAN GAZETToriginal article printed on December 5th 2005
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