Information Overload???

Okay, I'll say it. "Too much information" has the potential to be unhealthy. I do think humans have an amazing capacity for invention, understanding and creativity. But is there such a thing as information overload?

Have you ever thought that if you have one more thought your mind will burst?

So, in the interest of your healthy mind... let's talk about Health Begins With Mom. I don't want to be another source of superfluous chunks of information that only add to the clutter in your mind. I'd like for this blog to be sincerely helpful.

In pursuit of that goal, can I ask what you would like to read? What specific health topics would help you to lead a healthier life -- without overloading your brain? What do you hope to get from Health Begins With Mom?

I've created a poll to jumpstart your thinking. Of course, I would love for you to leave comments telling me specifics... so, please take the time to do that too!
[Note: I am not having success with this poll service AT ALL. If you don't mind, would you leave your thoughts in the comments if the poll does not work. I'll keep trying to figure it out...I am working on this crazy space here...]

What do you want to read more of here at Health Begins With Mom?
More recipes, please.
Tips... I need some health tips to make things easier!
More about Amy Ellen's daily health pursuit - with commentary.
More information about specific health issues.
More information about good (and not-so-good) food choices.
Weekly Meal Plans.
Links to helpful articles and websites.
Other topics (which should be specified in the comments!) free polls

Thanks for sharing your thoughts,

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