Some Thoughts on Quantum Medicine and the Difference Between Healing and Curing...

"There is an information flow in our bodies...Our intuition is really of a quantum nature...what we call intuition is our sixth sense when in reality it should be called our first sense." --Edgar Mitchell PhD

The Living Matrix is a full length, documentary film that challenges the allopathic-medical-pharmaceutical- complex and its core assumptions about health, healing, and wellness. It's directed by San Francisco based filmmaker, Greg Becker and produced by Harry Massey. The U.S.A. premiere was held in Larkspur, Calif., April 30, 2009.

According to their press release:"The Living Matrix" mixes new science, recovery stories, and 3D motion graphics to take the provocative discussion of quantum physics, energy fields and consciousness and apply it to health and healing". The basic premise of the film is that energy and information are the foundation of health and healing, not genetics.

"The existing control system in medicine is enzymes and hormones. Not consciousness. Not emotions. Not body field...We find this a bit inadequate to explain the whole majesty of human behavior and's impossible."
--Peter Fraser

The film explores a new science of healing called bioenergetics. The documentary explores the connection between universally accepted scientific principles and bioenergetic medicine. Empirical evidence based on individuals from real life are used to validate the underlying scientific healing principles that underpin this new science.

Science is predicated on the idea that principles and laws operate outside of or regardless of one's belief system. For example, the law of gravity works whether we believe in it or not. From that scientific perspective, one would approach bioenergetics with skepticism or the belief it will not influence--either way-- the health or well being of a human body.

Never the less, the placebo effect demonstrates that thought or consciousness is senior to mechanics.

"The placebo effect is the fact that through belief a person can override biology. Science has recognized that at least one third of all healings--including drugs, surgeries, and other allopathic interventions--one of all healings--has nothing to do with the process, but has to do with the placebo effect."
--Dr. Bruce Lipton

The Living Matrix posits that we are on the verge of a paradigm shift regarding healing and health care precisely because of the "current revolution in human biology." This biological revolution is predicated on the shift from Newtonian physics to quantum physics.

In other words, the body is no longer seen as a separate, isolated machine with solid and distinct parts working together in an unconscious, or mechanical synchronicity for the purpose of mere physical survival. The prevailing Newtonian model is being replaced with an energy and information based field theory.

The underlying principle is that everything exists within an energetic field that is also inherently an information field. In short, energy is information and they co-exist. What's essential to understand about the quantum model is that nothing exists independently outside of the meta energy matrix. Everything is part of and exists within this web of life as a unique energetic expression of that web.

It all comes down to this:

Quality connection is the key to life. Health and wellness from this perspective is based on the number and quality of energetic connections one has within oneself as well as between oneself and other energetic configurations in the field, and the field itself.

Here's the rub or the blessing depending on how you see it (which is exactly my point). You hold the proverbial key to your health--primarily by the way you use your mind (thought) to label and frame the the bio-energy field that is essentially you.

It's at the level of thoughts that we program the energy, which in turn conforms to our thoughts and which then determines our destiny. Doesn't this sound like karma or the law of cause and effect? The quality of information determines the quality of energy.

I think what we're really exploring here is interlocking layers of intelligent awareness that forms the essential beingness of all things--animate or inanimate. This energy or awareness can shift into various patterns like a kaleidoscope depending on the intention that directs it.

The official name for this revolution in perception and practice is Bioenergetic medicine. But is bioenergetic medicine really new? No. As a matter of fact the 5,000 year old traditional healing system of India called Ayurveda is energetically based. Traditional Chinese medicine is also energetically based. All the ancient healing methodologies were energetic. From Shamans to Qi- Gong to yoga--it is all, as they now, say bioenergetic.

If energetic healing is really old news--what's the point of renaming an old system?

The film is important because western science can perhaps now quantitatively as well as qualitatively begin to validate the reality and efficacy of energetic or bioenergetic medicine. True healing is based on interventions that reach non-invasively into the causative level of consciousness enabling the person who is sick to shift the core energy configuration along with limiting beliefs that are at the root of the disease.

Healing automatically turns disease into a learning process that ultimately empowers the individual. Whereas, curing is based on symptom control or eradication of disease at the level of the material body only. It's a mechanical methodology. The person with the disease remains the effect of both the disease and the methods to "cure" it. Since the primary "energy" behind the disease is never addressed consciously--the disease often reappears--sometimes in a new form.

Perhaps, 2012 will accelerate the "revolution of alternative healing" and usher in a golden age of mainstream medicine based on quantum healing.


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