The Year of Living Dangerously
A 1982 Film by Peter Weir
Setting: 1965 Sukarno's Edgy Indonesia
Did you ever think seriously - - that you'd be staring in the real-life-version of the Year of Living Dangerously?
Are we collectively staring into the valley of existential chaos -- wiping the tears from our face as we wave goodbye to the world as we knew it?
Destiny is upon us. Appearances are deceiving. What then must we do? Tolstoy asked that very question.
Dialogue from The Year of Living Dangerously
Guy: What's that?
Billy: It's from Luke, chapter three, verse ten. What then must we do? Tolstoy asked the same question. He wrote a book with that title. He got so upset about the poverty in Moscow that he went one night into the poorest section and just gave away all his money.You could do that now. Five American dollars would be a fortune to one of these people.
Guy: Wouldn't do any good, just be a drop in the ocean.
Billy: Ahh, that's the same conclusion that Tolstoy came to. I disagree.
Guy: Oh, what's your solution?
Billy: I support the view that you just don't think about the major issues. You do whatever you can about the misery that's in front of you. Add your light to the sum of light. You think that's naive, don't you?
Guy: Yep.
Billy: It's alright most journalists do.
Guy: We can't afford to get involved.
Again--here we are in our own 2009 real life version of The Year Of Living Dangerously. We can't opt out. We're all in this movie. As Sartre would remind us there is No Exit. So I ask all of you reading this: What then must we do?
Chaos is in the air. The societal fabric of our world is unraveling before our very eyes. Will the end of 2009 act as a doorway to a prophesied, paradigm shift that supports an evolutionary leap for humanity? Or will it be the kind of chaos that leads to the further devolution of humanity?
Most importantly, whose side will you be on? The evolutionists or the devolutionists? Sorry... no spectators allowed. Your participation is mandatory. And remember, your action or inaction is one of the threads that make up the collective tapestry or destiny that humanity is currently weaving.
Just in case you've been too busy lately to contemplate where we are likely headed -- here are a few reminders.
"Despite signs of an improved economy, the nations banks are still struggling -- in fact, the pace of bank failures has accelerated."
-- Associated Press August 29, 2009
On August 28th 2009 Joseph Watson, from Prison Planet reported:"According to a Fox News poll the majority of respondents think that the swine flu vaccine is deadlier than the actual flu virus itself, emphasing the growing momentum in the revolt against government plans to institute the mass H1N1 vaccination programs."
The Widening Gap In America's Two Tiered Society
"Supposedly, families with children represent the fastest growing subset of the homeless population in the U.S.A. in the present and the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old."
Gerald Celente Trends Research says: "People think it collapses all at once, but it does not, it collapses in stages, and after the first collapse there is a long period of denial and wishful thinking that things will still recover, and what went on then is still going on now, this is not a recovery from the recession, it is merely a remission."
Celente continued.
"... I won't get the swine flu shot, they're gonna have to come with guns...to inject one of those things into me. And there are a lot of people like me."
Why Won't Healthcare Workers Take the Swine Flu Vaccine?
The Post Chronicle reported on Sept. 5, 2009: The British Medical Journal published a report on August 26, 2009 that stated that more than half of Hong Kong's healthcare workers will not get the H1N1 vaccination..."because they are afraid of side effects and doubt how safe and effective it will be". Revealingly, the study predicts that this "refusal" is a trend that will be reflected globally.
This just in: Verity and Oracle - The PROMIS Of The Future! The Pandemic Virus is Not Only Lab-Created it is PATENTED!
It seems obvious to me that a major shift in perception and thus reality is emerging. Average people sense something is very wrong. They understand that many "official pronouncements" regarding health, the economy, foreign wars, and the Swine flu are mostly, at best, half truths and disinformation.
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in the mind driving you mad." -- Morpheus, The Matrix
Many are beginning to question the legitimacy of Big Pharma, the FDA (Federal Death Administration), AMA (American Murder Association), and allopathic medicine that is limited to the cut, burn, and poison methodology. A confrontation is emerging between the truth tellers and the disinformation agents.
From Natural Solutions Website: End FDA and FTC Gag Rules on Health Information
Michael Ellner sums it up nicely:
"Just look at us, everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality." -- Michael Ellner
READ:Financial Parasites Have Killed the American Economy
VIDEO: Vaccine Creators Refuse To Take H1N1 Vaccine!
On the metaphysical level it's more like a re-balancing of light and dark forces. On a socio-economic and political level it's the death of the status-quo and the emergence of a new form of societal organization--including but not limited to: political (power), production, distribution and exchange systems.
"One year after the near collapse of the global financial system, this much is clear: the financial world as we knew it is over, and something new is rising from its ashes." --Kevin G. Hall/McClatchy Newspapers
The 2012 Mayan Prophesy predicts the end of the world as we know it, the closing of a 26,000 year cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes-- which will usher in a major vibrational shift (individual as well as planetary) in consciousness by December 21, 2012 (winter solstice). In short, it's a process culminating in a major evolutionary shift.
"Thus the December 21, 2012 AD is not the day where all of a sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change. Rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition from one world age into the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date." -- The Living Prophesy
On the dark side, The Power elite are in the final stages of frantically installing a centuries old plan for a total, global, Orwellian "New World Order." A virtual prison planet. Unless you've been living on another planet or under the proverbial rock -- you most certainly know a little about this. I hope so -- because I'm not going to rehash all the old arguments and details here.
"...I'm absolutely convinced that the end of this prison society is a done deal."
"...but what we're now seeing is the last throes of a dying system where the Illuminati in their box are believing they're crashing the system to create something else, [prison planet] when it's actually crashing, ultimately for another reason." -- David Icke
Back to the original 1982 Year of Living Dangerously...
Billy: If you want to understand Java you have to understand the [sacred shadow play]. The puppet master is a priest balancing the left with the right.The shadows are souls, and the screen is heaven. You watch their shadows, not the puppets. The right in constant struggle with the left. The forces of light and dark in endless balance.
Billy: In the west, we want answers for everything. Everything is right or wrong, or good or bad. But in [the shadow play] no such final conclusion exists.
I am still left wondering, WHAT THEN MUST WE DO?
"Three things can not long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."
-- Siddhartha Gautama
Billy Kwan, a half Chinese half Australian dwarf, a freelance photo-journalist based (long time) in Jakarta, Indonesia. He could be categorized as an itinerant scholar and a seeker of truth -- an idealist. He wants to help uplift humanity.
Guy Hamilton, a handsome Australian journalist and neophyte foreign corespondent, recently arrived in Jakarta. He is a careerist and a pragmatist. He wants to get ahead.
Billy: And the people asked him saying, what, shall we do then?
Billy: And the people asked him saying, what, shall we do then?
Guy: What's that?
Billy: It's from Luke, chapter three, verse ten. What then must we do? Tolstoy asked the same question. He wrote a book with that title. He got so upset about the poverty in Moscow that he went one night into the poorest section and just gave away all his money.You could do that now. Five American dollars would be a fortune to one of these people.
Guy: Wouldn't do any good, just be a drop in the ocean.
Billy: Ahh, that's the same conclusion that Tolstoy came to. I disagree.
Guy: Oh, what's your solution?
Billy: I support the view that you just don't think about the major issues. You do whatever you can about the misery that's in front of you. Add your light to the sum of light. You think that's naive, don't you?
Guy: Yep.
Billy: It's alright most journalists do.
Guy: We can't afford to get involved.
Again--here we are in our own 2009 real life version of The Year Of Living Dangerously. We can't opt out. We're all in this movie. As Sartre would remind us there is No Exit. So I ask all of you reading this: What then must we do?
Chaos is in the air. The societal fabric of our world is unraveling before our very eyes. Will the end of 2009 act as a doorway to a prophesied, paradigm shift that supports an evolutionary leap for humanity? Or will it be the kind of chaos that leads to the further devolution of humanity?
Most importantly, whose side will you be on? The evolutionists or the devolutionists? Sorry... no spectators allowed. Your participation is mandatory. And remember, your action or inaction is one of the threads that make up the collective tapestry or destiny that humanity is currently weaving.
Just in case you've been too busy lately to contemplate where we are likely headed -- here are a few reminders.
"Despite signs of an improved economy, the nations banks are still struggling -- in fact, the pace of bank failures has accelerated."
-- Associated Press August 29, 2009
On August 28th 2009 Joseph Watson, from Prison Planet reported:"According to a Fox News poll the majority of respondents think that the swine flu vaccine is deadlier than the actual flu virus itself, emphasing the growing momentum in the revolt against government plans to institute the mass H1N1 vaccination programs."
The Widening Gap In America's Two Tiered Society
"Supposedly, families with children represent the fastest growing subset of the homeless population in the U.S.A. in the present and the average age of a homeless person is 9 years old."
Gerald Celente Trends Research says: "People think it collapses all at once, but it does not, it collapses in stages, and after the first collapse there is a long period of denial and wishful thinking that things will still recover, and what went on then is still going on now, this is not a recovery from the recession, it is merely a remission."
Celente continued.
"... I won't get the swine flu shot, they're gonna have to come with guns...to inject one of those things into me. And there are a lot of people like me."
Why Won't Healthcare Workers Take the Swine Flu Vaccine?
The Post Chronicle reported on Sept. 5, 2009: The British Medical Journal published a report on August 26, 2009 that stated that more than half of Hong Kong's healthcare workers will not get the H1N1 vaccination..."because they are afraid of side effects and doubt how safe and effective it will be". Revealingly, the study predicts that this "refusal" is a trend that will be reflected globally.
This just in: Verity and Oracle - The PROMIS Of The Future! The Pandemic Virus is Not Only Lab-Created it is PATENTED!
It seems obvious to me that a major shift in perception and thus reality is emerging. Average people sense something is very wrong. They understand that many "official pronouncements" regarding health, the economy, foreign wars, and the Swine flu are mostly, at best, half truths and disinformation.
"You're here because you know something. What you know you can't explain, but you feel it. You've felt it your entire life, that there's something wrong with the world. You don't know what it is, but it's there. Like a splinter in the mind driving you mad." -- Morpheus, The Matrix
Many are beginning to question the legitimacy of Big Pharma, the FDA (Federal Death Administration), AMA (American Murder Association), and allopathic medicine that is limited to the cut, burn, and poison methodology. A confrontation is emerging between the truth tellers and the disinformation agents.
From Natural Solutions Website: End FDA and FTC Gag Rules on Health Information
Michael Ellner sums it up nicely:
"Just look at us, everything is backwards; everything is upside down. Doctors destroy health, lawyers destroy justice, universities knowledge, governments destroy freedom, the major media destroy information, and religions destroy spirituality." -- Michael Ellner
READ:Financial Parasites Have Killed the American Economy
VIDEO: Vaccine Creators Refuse To Take H1N1 Vaccine!
On the metaphysical level it's more like a re-balancing of light and dark forces. On a socio-economic and political level it's the death of the status-quo and the emergence of a new form of societal organization--including but not limited to: political (power), production, distribution and exchange systems.
"One year after the near collapse of the global financial system, this much is clear: the financial world as we knew it is over, and something new is rising from its ashes." --Kevin G. Hall/McClatchy Newspapers
The 2012 Mayan Prophesy predicts the end of the world as we know it, the closing of a 26,000 year cycle known as the precession of the equinoxes-- which will usher in a major vibrational shift (individual as well as planetary) in consciousness by December 21, 2012 (winter solstice). In short, it's a process culminating in a major evolutionary shift.
"Thus the December 21, 2012 AD is not the day where all of a sudden a light switch will flip on and everything will change. Rather, we are NOW in the process of this transition from one world age into the next. The changes are underway and will continue steadily accelerating as we head towards the culminating date." -- The Living Prophesy
On the dark side, The Power elite are in the final stages of frantically installing a centuries old plan for a total, global, Orwellian "New World Order." A virtual prison planet. Unless you've been living on another planet or under the proverbial rock -- you most certainly know a little about this. I hope so -- because I'm not going to rehash all the old arguments and details here.
"...I'm absolutely convinced that the end of this prison society is a done deal."
"...but what we're now seeing is the last throes of a dying system where the Illuminati in their box are believing they're crashing the system to create something else, [prison planet] when it's actually crashing, ultimately for another reason." -- David Icke
Back to the original 1982 Year of Living Dangerously...
Billy: If you want to understand Java you have to understand the [sacred shadow play]. The puppet master is a priest balancing the left with the right.The shadows are souls, and the screen is heaven. You watch their shadows, not the puppets. The right in constant struggle with the left. The forces of light and dark in endless balance.
Billy: In the west, we want answers for everything. Everything is right or wrong, or good or bad. But in [the shadow play] no such final conclusion exists.
I am still left wondering, WHAT THEN MUST WE DO?
"Three things can not long be hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth."
-- Siddhartha Gautama
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