Do You Have Ever tattoo or piercing?

Hepatitis C virus is a dangerous virus. The virus is a major cause of liver infection that is very contagious and can cause cirrhosis and liver cancer. Until there is currently no vaccine to prevent this disease because the virus mutates very quickly.

Medical world to know the seven types of viral hepatitis (liver inflammation), namely A, B, C, D, E, G, and TT. However, the type of viral hepatitis A, B, and C is more frequently encountered in our country. The difference between the hepatitis virus is located on the difference in infection kronisitas and long-term damage they caused.

Compared with hepatitis B, hepatitis C virus far more virulent and more frequently causes chronic liver disease. Hepatitis C virus (VHC) has a number of mutations (genetic changes) are high that often arise mutant could escape from the ambush "army" of antibodies the body. As a result, there has been no successful vaccine created to prevent this viral infection.

According to dr Superior Budihusodo, SpPD-KGEH, Chairman of the Indonesian Heart Association researcher, virus transmission occurs through blood or infected body fluids such as blood transfusions, the use of tattoos with non-sterile equipment, exchange of injecting drug antarpengguna injection, and repeated use of needles or other medical devices that are not sterile.

VHC infection is often referred to as covert infections because VHC infection is often asymptomatic, or if any, symptoms typically mild and not so many people do not seek treatment to the doctor. In fact, the number of people who are not diagnosed, he could act as a carrier (carrying the virus) and spread it to others unknowingly.

Some symptoms of VHC infection, among others, a sense of fatigue, fever and chills, no appetite, nausea and vomiting, skin looks yellow, pain in upper right abdomen, and weight loss of unknown cause.

If you experience one or more of these symptoms, you are not necessarily infected, given that most people infected with it VHC rarely have symptoms.

"Because the disease is asymptomatic (no symptoms), it is better to do laboratory checks, especially for those in high risk. The young in mind, the higher the possibility of recovery," said dr Excellence.

To know if you are in high risk groups, try to remember the events that might have been able to make you get hepatitis C. Some questions that can guide you is:
- Have you ever received a blood transfusion or organ transfusions?
- Did you ever perform dialysis (hemodialysis)?
- Do you have family members who have hepatitis C?
- Do you have a tattoo or pierced with a needle once a non-sterile?
- Have you ever had high-risk sexual activity without protection (condom)?
- Are you including medical workers who had contact with blood in the workplace?
- Do you use nail clippers, toothbrushes, razors, and needle acupuncture (which may be contaminated with blood in it) turns with other people?

If you answered "YES" to one or more of these questions, consult your doctor immediately.

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