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Dr. Andrew Moulden (Interview): What You Were Never Told About Vaccines

Vaccines Cause Micro-Vascular Strokes: Dr. Andrew Moulden, Canadian Doctor

Dr. Moulden's website HERE.

"Louis Pasteur’s germ theory was just that – a theory. His contemporaries, Dr Antoine Bechamp and Dr Rudolph Virchow were closer to the truth as to the cause of disease. Remarkably, this means that much of what we are doing in western medicine is wrong – we have been practicing medicine in a state of confusing cause and effect and causing more harm, globally, than good…for over 200 years!"

--Dr. Andrew Moulden

Excerpts From Dr. Andrew Moulden Interview:

Q. Dr. Moulden, we understand that you have made a revolutionary discovery. Can you tell us about it?

Dr. Moulden:I would be happy to.

Through my extensive research and my work throughout the years, I have discovered that vaccinations are causing impaired blood flow (ischemia) to brain and body from clinically silent to death. These are strokes – across the board for all of us. I have reason to believe that all are being affected and all vaccinations ARE causing the overwhelming rise in autism, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, sudden infant death, gulf war syndrome, dementia, seizure disorders, some cancers it would appear, and much much more.

Q. How have you been able to show this and how have you managed to demonstrate this? What medical imaging underlies it all? What medical imaging is the basis for it all?

A. I have quantified and expanded standard neurological and clinical neuropsychological tools of brain function and assessment. In essence, I have “digitized” the neurological and neuropsychological physical neurological exams across neurodevelopment using contemporary image enhancement software constrained to functional localization in the brain relative to end vascular, watershed territories – “the end of the road” for varied brain blood vessel areas. All of my tools and techniques are non-invasive.

Andrew Moulden - FAST

I am now able to assess in the here and now, or looking back 50 years ago, to answer questions as to cause, in disease, neurodevelopment disorders, and much more. Remarkably, we can now advance diagnose sudden infant death syndrome, and I can answer questions relative to – Was this a shaken baby?, Did vaccines cause this person to have autism? Was this death caused by Gardasil? Did vaccines cause these damages? Since the mechanism to damages is common across all, when vaccines are involved – and sometimes even virulent infectious diseases.

Q. What is the basic information underlying your claims and what is the foundation of your beliefs?

A. Germs simply are not the only root cause of death, disease, and disorder. I have now conclusively shown that ALL vaccines, from infancy to geriatric, are causing the exact same brain damages irrespective of what disease or disorder comes out. The damages are specific to end vascular “mini strokes” that are beneath the resolution of our neuroimaging, but measurable in a before/after vaccination protocol. They are also directly measurable in real time – however, this involves techniques and technology I have not disclosed to the public as yet.

Remarkably, wild polio, pre-natal German measles, measles, tetanus, “Spanish flu”, etc.. all caused the exact same damages in the pre-vaccine era. We simply did not appreciate that a generic response in the human body was causing the paralysis and respiratory failure and more in from a non-specific immune response and instability of microscopic blood flow hemodynamics.

We have weakened viruses and bacteria, injected them into all of us and caused chronic illness and disease in an attenuated form, this is how these pathogens have always caused harm. It is the bodies response to foreign things entering it, especially under hypersensitivity states, that is causing neurodevelopment disorders and chronic illness and much more.

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Q. You speak of epidemics. What is your understanding of an epidemic? How does it manifest?

A. The explanation of epidemic is simple, we are now seeing:

1 in 6 children with specific learning disabilities.
12-15% children with attention deficit disorder.
1 in 87 with autism spectrum – a 1700% increase over ten years.
1% sudden infant death
40 deaths and 15,000 substantive adverse Gardasil reactions
1 in 15 over 65 with dementia; 1 in 8 over 85
Chronic fatigue syndrome
Seizure disorders
“West” syndrome
Global developmental delay
1 in 450 with type 1 diabetes
1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women will develop cancer over a lifetime.
Gulf war syndrome affecting and disabling 250,000 troops and 42,000 deaths. These vaccinated soldiers show the exact same neurological damages after vaccination as the infants and children are exhibiting after each childhood vaccination. These are strokes – oxygen demand exceeding oxygen supply – conclusively!

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

These microscopic strokes are happening to the brain and body in immediate and delayed, waxing and waning, acute and chronic ways. This is receiving a plethora of clinical labels. In basic physiology – the base cause is common across the board.

There is no such thing as an acquired genetic epidemic. The epidemic is an acquired phenomenon, from environmental factors, for which I can now conclusively show, vaccinations are the mass culprit for most of this.

Andrew Moulden - MASS

Q. What has the response been to your discoveries? How have they been received by the public / the world at large?

A.The public gets it. The chiropractors embrace it. The medical Doctors, including pediatric neurologists, are stunned by it. The pharmaceutical and organized medicine cartels – must deny it. The philosophy is “if they cannot deny the message, then they will discredit the messenger.” This is simply how the system works.[emphasis added]

Q. In your opinion, what percentage of vaccines cause adverse effects?

A. It is in my considered opinion, all of them. I can now show the evidence to back this up. The damages have been clinically silent, but we are all being harmed along the same continuum from clinically silent to terminal disorders and diseases – across all organ systems. However, my ability to measure and prove my point, for the moment, is locked in on the brain functions and neurobehavioral and neuropscyhiatric and neurological conditions primarily.

Q. In your opinion, are all vaccines “suspect” or are there certain vaccines which are still “acceptable” and if yes, which one(s) ?

A. It is no longer an opinion as I now have conclusive evidence to show that ALL vaccines are causing the exact same damages for us all in the exact same manner that wild polio virus caused paralysis, respiratory failure (“Iron lung”), death, bleeding into the brain, and more.

It is the act of repeat vaccinations, properly spaced apart that is creating one part of the problem. It is the aluminum that is creating a second part of the problem. ALL other foreign substances in vaccines are creating a third part of the problem – like adding fuel to a fire. One does not need to be directly vaccinated to be vaccine injured.


Andrew Moulden Speaking

Q. Are the toxic adjuvants in vaccines, like aluminum, the only ones which can trigger the reactions you mention or can vaccine antigens contribute to these reactions also? In other words, in your opinion, if vaccines did not contain aluminum, would this completely solve their toxicity problem or not? Do you feel that all vaccines should be banned, i.e. that it is the whole vaccination philosophy which is at fault, or is it only that vaccines and their ingredients need to be modified to made “good vaccines”?

A. It is in my opinion, backed up with conclusive evidence that all vaccines have to be banned. They are all causing ischemic brain and body damages and chronic illness and disease


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