Meal Plans for the Week

What have you got cooking this week? Are you trying anything new? I suggest trying a new vegetable this week. Serve it along with a tried and true vegetable that you know your children already enjoy... but don't be afraid to pick out something you have not tried before!

How about Collards? My children like these greens since they don't wilt as much as spinach. Or how about Bok Choy? This is one of my favorite greens. Have you ever served your children fresh (not canned) beets? Or how about some of the wonderful fall squashes that are filling up our grocery stores?

Try something new with the aim to increase the color, quantity and variety of produce in your family's fare.

Here is what I have planned for this week --

Mushroom, Spinach and Chicken Creamy Pasta with a Garden Salad. I don't have a good name for this meal, but it is one my children look forward to! It seems that when you make a simple cream sauce and include pasta (we use whole wheat or another whole grain blend), the children don't really mind the mushrooms.

Make Yogurt in the Morning
Leek and Potato Soup with Garlic Cheese Biscuits and a Garden Salad. The children recently read the book Twenty and Ten, in which the fifth graders speak about LOVING Leek and Potato Soup... so, naturally, they convinced me to make it for them. The Garlic Cheese Biscuits are a family fave... hopefully I'll post the recipe with pictures next week... and for the Cherry Chocolate Granola Bars I am making!

Remember that Wednesday is our Family Frugal Night. Click here to read why I reserve one night a week for some combination of beans and rice.

I plan on making the Crock Pot Roast (from Grass-Fed Beef) that I didn't make the other week. We have plenty of potatoes to oven-roast and I also have a wealth of other greens that will need to be used up. I'll probably cook the whole mess and freeze what we don't eat for future soups. I think I will have chard, cabbage, carrots, onions and garlic left in the fridge.

I will also have to catch up on Baking... my plan is six loaves of bread, Love Muffins, and Banana Nut Muffins for next week's breakfasts. If I have the time, I may make some cookies to take on our Fall Break trip too.

Friday starts our Fall Break! YAY!!! I am so looking forward to our little family vacation... and I will have to clean out my fridge on Friday, so we will put together all the leftovers for a smorgasbord meal. I anticipate still having salad veggies too, so we can have that on the side... again... who ever heard of too much salad?!?

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