Novartis and Proteus Biomedical are not the only companies hoping to implant microchips into patients so that their pill-popping habits can be monitored. VeriChip of Delray Beach, Fl., has an even bolder idea: an implanted chip that links to an online database containing all your medical records, credit history and your social security ID.
As this presentation to investors makes clear, the chip and its database could form the basis of a new national identity database lined to Social Security and The VeriMed Health Link homepage describes the chip.
But VeriChip’s ambitions don’t end there, as this diagram indicates:
Yes, it shows your Health Link chip linked to Google, Microsoft, employers and insurers. The company also sees the VeriMed Health Link linked to your “identity security services,” through a separate VeriChip product, PositiveID.
Here's David Icke's take on using the swine flu vaccination as an opportunity to micro-chip the population.
Summary of David Icke Newsletter
The main point of the mass vaccination is to implant nanotechnology microchips that will allow external manipulation of the body mentally, emotionally and physically – including the so-called 'death chip' that can be used to assassinate targeted people or cause mass extermination. We are now seeing accumulating evidence that this is the prime reason for the engineered 'pandemic'. Dr Ryke Geerd Hamer, who has taken on the German medical establishment with his own approach called New German Medicine, tells of an experience he had at a speaking event in Vienna, Austria. He said that a woman in the audience explained that a friend who works for a pharmaceutical company in Vienna (vaccine-maker Baxter International has a subsidiary in Vienna) had told her that the swine flu injection needles contain nano particles in their very tip. They cannot be seen by the naked eye, but were clearly visible with as little as a twelve times magnification microscope. The staff of the pharmaceutical company were told that these nano particles work in the human body like a motherboard in the computer and lots of data can be stored on them, the woman said.
This fits precisely what I have been saying and writing for years about the human body being a biological computer that can be externally manipulated through implanted chips. Dr Hamer said the woman explained how she was also working in the medical field and she had asked a lawyer who came as a patient how it was possible to avoid being chipped. The lawyer said he knew about the mass microchipping and most 'upper class' members of society were aware of the plan. He said there would be no compulsory vaccinations planned for this year and instead they would encourage people to be vaccinated voluntarily. If too few chose to have the vaccine, he said, they would impose compulsory inoculation next year. He said the 'elite' and certain politicians would be exempt and, as a lawyer, he knew ways to avoid it, but for the majority of the population there was no escape. We'll bloody well see about that. [end quoting David Icke]
I think George Orwell must be rolling over in his grave.
All the best,
Kevin Parkinson
Original HERE
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