Official Preemptive Vaccine Impunity Propaganda in High Gear

Don’t Blame Flu Shots for All Ills, Officials Say

NY Times
Monday, Sept 28th, 2009

"As soon as swine flu vaccinations start next month, some people getting them will drop dead of heart attacks or strokes, some children will have seizures and some pregnant women will miscarry. But those events will not necessarily have anything to do with the vaccine. That poses a public relations challenge for federal officials, who remember how sensational reports of deaths and illnesses derailed the large-scale flu vaccine drive of 1976."


Translation: Official Warning: If you suffer any problems that are likely connected to flu vaccinations, it's your fault and it's not related to the flu vaccine. We told you the vaccine is safe -- that should be enough to quell your doubts. If you're paranoid, we suggest you visit your neighborhood mental health clinic and get a prescription for anti-psychotic medication. Then get your flu shot.


Don't bother us with your ridiculous and unscientific accusations that your illness or death following a flu vaccination was in any way related to the jab. Vaccines are safe and effective because our junk science says so, and the mainstream media agrees. Besides we have "blanket immunity." Got it?

The 1976 Swine flu debacle was caused by "crazies" who claimed the 1976, ultra-safe, swine flu vaccination caused death and/or neurological injury. These nuts were the ones who derailed our altruistic and necessary mass vaccination program to protect everyone from the 'swine' flu.

Drink the Kool-Aid

This will not happen again! Furthermore, who would disagree with the fact that all of us are destined to drop dead.


So why is it we need your toxic vaccine, since as you say -- we are going to die of something anyway?

Would anyone buy a car from a new car dealer who proclaimed that if anything goes wrong with the car,even if it's within minutes or hours of driving it off the lot -- it's your fault and it has nothing to do with the car. Period. Besides, all cars have problems sooner or later.

How could anyone in their right mind agree to this genocide?

Excerpts from
Murder by Injection

The real story behind the [1976] swine flu murders is one of genocide and of a slow-acting poison which may take years after the injection to bring on death by cancer or heart failure.


The national program of swine flu injections was hardly under way before alarming "rumors" of sudden death and of terrible side effects such as various forms of paralysis began to alarm the American people. They were "rumors simply because they were suppressed by the nation’s press, and they were publicly denounced as "lies" by every public health official in America. After some weeks, during which the officials desperately tried to complete their announced goal of inoculating every person in America with this poison, they finally admitted that "one or two" people had collapsed and died of acute heart failure after having been administered the poison. In the ensuing weeks, this figure continued to be revised upward until the officials admitted that just over two hundred persons had died after being injected with the vaccine. The actual figure, which has never been released from Washington, is sixteen hundred persons who died immediately after being injected. Despite these casualties, the officials continued the program of injection until Dec. 16, 1976, when public outcry became so great that it was officially stopped.

-- Eustace Mullins


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