Watch out, earphones Could Make Deaf

When listening to your favorite song comes on the radio, in the gym or on an MP3 player or iPod, we will direct spontaneous increase the volume and sing along. However, beware of the loud volume through the earphones. Because, too often exposed to loud music can cause hearing loss.
In the United States reported more and more adults and adolescents diagnosed with deafness due to old age (presbiakusis) that this condition is normally only appears in the age of 50 years. Apparently, teenagers and young adults are the people who every day listening to earphones for hours.

According to an audio expert from Cape Town Medi-Clinic, Lisa Nathan, the accumulation of loud noises or will grow slowly and almost without symptoms. "It took several years before the disorder appears or the person has a hearing problem," he said.

For example, a 15-year teenager who often listen to MP3 or iPod in a loud volume every day, maybe just have a hearing loss before the age of 30.

"Sooner than hearing damage is determined by lifestyle and exposure to other noise sources, for example, if the person is often to clubs or play a band, then the damage will be worse," he said.

Own ears created by the various parts of the functions work together so that one is able to hear, process, and understand the world around him. However, when the sounds around us are too loud or noisy, the hair cells of cochlea fine at home in the ear (cochlea) is damaged. These hair cells function to catch the sound frequency and forwarded to the central auditory perception in the brain.

"In the beginning of hair cell damage is only temporary. Symptoms such as when one ear is closed. Sometimes these symptoms are also accompanied by tinnitus, ie the conditions under which we like to hear the buzzing in the ears," said Nathan.

Tinnitus is actually a normal thing because it is a sign of damage has occurred in the hair cells. However, the more damage it does, the damage will become permanent because the cells had been damaged could not repair themselves or trigger death. As a result of this damage is deaf.

The sound is measured by decibel (dB), with a value of 0 is the softest sound audible to humans and the 180 is the noise generated by the rocket that will be flown into space.

The average sound level of the conversation about 60 dB, while the sound of rock concerts to reach 115 dB. Experts believe, exposure to noise exceeding 85 dB in the long run is very dangerous. Keep in mind, the highest volume of an MP3 player or iPod is about 100 dB. "The recommended maximum level is less than 85 dB," said Nathan.

To prevent the negative impact of the earphones before, Nathan recommends the use of earphones that eliminate background noise so that we can hear good music without being interrupted by the entry of outside sounds. That way, we do not need to set the volume of loud music.

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