Did You Know Ukrainians Staged a Massive Grassroots Vaccination Revolt?

Vaccine Refusals Spur Outbreak Fears


March 2009

'This article in the Globe and Mail newspaper reports that a widespread scare about vaccine side effects in Ukraine has led to a sharp drop in immunizations that could result in disease outbreaks spreading beyond the former Soviet republic. Hundreds of thousands of fearful Ukrainians have refused vaccines for diseases such as diphtheria, mumps, polio, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, whooping cough, and others in 2009, according to official estimates. Authorities have canceled a measles and rubella vaccination campaign funded by United States (US) philanthropist Ted Turner, and will have to collect and incinerate nearly 9 million unused doses in coming months.

This situation was sparked when a 17-year-old boy who had received a combined shot for measles and rubella died. Activists including members of the homeopathic and alternative healing industries blamed his death on the vaccination. Ukrainian authorities said they needed to investigate and halted the campaign to revaccinate 9 million Ukrainians aged 16-29. Although the Ukrainian Health Ministry and World Health Organization (WHO) concluded that the boy died of septic shock from a bacterial infection unrelated to the vaccine, in February the Ministry decided to terminate the revaccination campaign, saying there was no longer enough time to administer the vaccines before they expire this summer and that people would refuse the shots.

Several causes for this situation are intrinsically linked to communication issues. Centrally, Ukrainian media outlets are reportedly "numerous and uncensored but do not widely follow Western standards of fairness and accuracy. Some print and online reports alleged after the boy's death that the Indian-made measles and rubella vaccine would sterilize men as part of a plot by Mr. Turner..." This misinformation spread rapidly in light of the fact that "Ukraine has an educated population but rumours and misperceptions spread easily." Furthermore, "[c]onstant political turmoil and a devastating financial crisis - one of the worst in Europe - has fueled mistrust of Ukraine's crumbling health care system, and authorities in general."

This mistrust seems to have some grounding; as reported here, government mistakes appear to have been a major factor in the vaccine scare. When pressed by prosecutors after the teen's death, the country's chief public health official claimed that the vaccine, which was certified by WHO, was imported into the country without proper authorization. An expert in infectious diseases quoted here said prosecutors appeared to have used the case to promote themselves and discredit political opponents. "It looked more like a PR [public relations] campaign than a thorough probe."

The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) says it believes that only up to 30% of Ukrainians who need revaccination for measles and rubella would turn up if the campaign were restarted today.'

Click here to access the full article online.

Health Maven Commentary

Is this the beginning of the "real" pandemic or More Fear Mongering ?

In March 2009 it appears the Ukrainians were awakening to the WHO/Big Pharma/Elite sterilization and depopulation vaccination agenda. In case you don't know, Ted Turner has stated publicly more than once that the world's population needs to be drastically decreased. His latest population reduction assessment is more generous than his first. He now says reducing the population to 2 billion is sufficient. Prior to this Turner was openly proclaiming the world's human population needed to be culled to a mere half-billion.

This begs the question: Why would an on-the-record, elite, depopulation proponent fund a vaccination program? Vaccinations are supposed to extend life. At least that's what were told.
Does Ted Turner know something we don't know? Or is he confused?

The Globe and Mail dismissed the growing suspicion of many Ukrainians that vaccines were stealth sterilization agents.They labeled this notion as a"misperception." Nevertheless, in the 1990's, laboratories in Mexico, the Philippines, and Nigeria all discovered sterilization agents in vaccines that were part of international foundational efforts, under the auspices of WHO, to vaccinate women of child bearing age for tetanus! Why is it that the Globe and Mall didn't mention these inconvenient facts in their article?

In the midst of the crisis, homeopaths and alternative health care providers were educating the people about the dangers of vaccinations--including WHO approved vaccines. They knew that vaccines can and do kill people.

The vaccination debacle quickly morphed into a political crisis.

By their refusal to get vaccinated the Ukrainians were openly questioning the motives and the legitimacy of the power structure.

The teenager who died became a martyr. His death had ignited a revolt.

That's why the WHO and Ukrainian officials were quick to announce that the "boy died of septic shock from a bacterial infection unrelated to the vaccine." You see, according to the officials and the mainstream media-- no one ever dies from a vaccination-- it's always a coincidence. They always die from something else. Anything but the vaccine.

The Ukrainians weren't buying it. In fact, a majority became vaccination refuseniks. The Ukrainian people were rebelling! Many were wondering-- maybe for the first time, about the actual intent behind the WHO, and all philanthropic sponsored vaccination campaigns.

Suddenly, vaccines had lost their carefully, crafted, sacred cow status as the miracle, allopathic prophylactic. The dark side of vaccines had infected the public mind. The Orwellian vaccination PR machine faltered. The power elite knew drastic action was needed to reestablish the status quo.

Could a deadly bioweapon be released to bring the sheeple back in line?

Keep in mind that the Globe and Mail article was published in March of 2009. Fast forward to August of 2009, Joseph Moshe, a microbiologist and dual Israeli - USA citizen was detained in Los Angeles for threats against the President. But what he actually did was call in to a talk radio show to warn of a bioweapon that had been formulated and produced by Baxter - IN THE UKRAINE!

Prior to the current Ukraine breakout, there were only two 'swine' flu cases reported there. Neither was serious. Then suddenly, mysterious low flying light craft were observed by many and reported for spraying an unknown aerosol over populated areas. The reports' veracity was denied by the Ukrainian government.

A day or two later, scores of people were being rushed into hospitals with hemorrhagic pneumonia, which can kill rapidly. Six young people died. Several others were hospitalized with similar symptoms. As a matter of fact, there are lots of conflicting reports coming out of the Ukraine

Though initial reports claimed all infections were attributable to H1N1, few had been lab confirmed. Many health workers, even doctors, were mystified. And there were reports that four health workers were stricken and died also. But be assured the mainstream media will accept H1N1 as the sole culprit.

And isn't it convenient that upcoming elections, late 2009 early 2010, may now be canceled because of this mysterious, virulent outbreak?

Could the purpose of all the media and government hysteria about the outbreak serve to stampede the Ukrainians in particular and Europeans in general back into the Big Pharma, vaccination control matrix. Even if the Ukrainian pandemic turns out to be far less severe than portrayed its purpose may be to scare people into accepting the swine flu jab. Is it a coincidence that the recent refusal of the majority of Ukrainians to get properly vaccinated was officially asserted to be a causative factor in this reportedly deadly outbreak?

From a big picture perspective the Ukrainian situation is a message to all of us. Vaccinations are being routinely used as stealth biological weapons. They are essential to further the disease and depopulation agendas. And the "authorities" are determined to make sure we stay aligned with vaccination propaganda. Bottom line: If the Ukrainian 'pandemic' is a honorific killer or mostly hype mandatory vaccination decrees are still a threat.

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