EXCERPTS FROM Dr. Mark Sircus' IMVA Emergency Alert:
'The Ukraine and the rest of Eastern Europe are currently the weakest pegs in the world financial system, besides California and a host of other states. While they are celebrating on Wall Street certain areas of the world are facing collapse. Crisis spreads to Eastern Europe as Ukraine, Hungary and Serbia call IMF Ukraine, Hungary, and Serbia are all in emergency talks with the International Monetary Fund, raising fears that an exodus of foreign investors will set off a systemic crisis across Eastern Europe. A team of IMF trouble-shooters rushed to Kiev on Wednesday to draw up a possible standby loan to help Ukraine stabilize its bank after a panic run on deposits this month.'
'Meanwhile banks in Sweden and The Baltic states are in the eye of the storm after leaked reports that Sweden is bracing for a full-blown economic and political “breakdown” in Latvia. The Svenska Dagbladet newspaper said Sweden’s finance minister Anders Borg had told banks secretly that Latvia’s political order was unraveling, advising them to prepare for the collapse of Latvia’s rescue talks'.
'Eastern Europe offers us a looking glass into the future that is happening in certain places today. Consider that accurate news is a precious commodity rarer then exceptional stones. We hardly hear in the mainstream about the crisis facing many States in America, how much less about Eastern Europe. The model presented by many thinkers is one where we see the Internationalist One World Government super elite taking advantage of and instigating crisis in both economic and health areas simultaneously. Kind of like doing a cannon ball on top of a man coming up for air; what we are seeing today in the Ukraine and the rest of Eastern Europe might be a harbinger of what is planned for the rest of us.'
--Mark Sircus, Ac., OMD
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