by Jon Rappoport

NOVEMBER 13, 2009. It’s all over, folks. Swine Flu was a fake alarm, and the guilty parties are scrambling to save their careers. The latest defector from the manure pile is Dr. Richard Schabas, former chief medical officer of health in Ontario, Canada.

Schavas spoke with the CBC network in Canada and laid it on the line. Swine Flu=Dud. Who will be the next medical bureaucrat to opt out of the scandal and wash his hands of the whole affair?

There comes a time in every phony PR campaign when the stakes are too high, the consequences too heavy—and insiders begin wondering which way to jump.

Yesterday’s announcement by the US CDC was the latest trigger. CDC claimed—on the basis of absolutely no evidence, since they had suspended testing for Swine Flu way back in July—that 22 million people in the US have had Swine Flu. Talk about desperation. Insiders immediately began asking themselves: Can I go along with this preposterous charade?

Here is an excerpt from the Canadian story:

H1N1 a ‘dud’ pandemic, Ont. health official says

The huge investments governments made in swine flu pandemic planning might not have been justified, an Ontario health official said Thursday.

“It’s really not causing — and is not going to cause and nowhere has caused — significant levels of illness or death,” said Dr. Richard Schabas, Ontario’s former chief medical officer of health.

“But governments moved ahead regardless. They ramped up their response, spent a huge amount of money on vaccines and other things. I’m not sure the $1.5 billion includes the cost of new ventilators, the cost of Tamiflu stockpiles … the huge investment that’s been put into planning for what has ultimately turned out to be, from a pandemic perspective, a dud.”

Schabas is now the chief medical officer of health for Hastings and Prince Edward counties in eastern Ontario.

On Thursday, The Globe and Mail reported that Canada has so far spent $1.5 billion on the H1N1 vaccination campaign, twice as much as health officials had predicted…(end clip)

Stand by for more defections. The close-out isn’t going to be pretty, but sometimes ugly is just what we want and need.


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