When you have a sore throat, It is one of the signs that there is something going wrong internally with your body. It is one of your body's first defense lines, So you do want to make sure that you are taking care of your self during that time, and just not letting it go. Now soothing that sore throat as you know there are so many over the counter products that you can use. Even natural cough drops that can help, But there's a limit to how many times that you can take them per day. because of the some of the products that are getting in to your system.
Some things that you can do naturally at home however, is using a warm salt water gargle, and yes warm, because what's that going to do is that it's going to open the pores and allow that salt to naturally get into the system a little bit easier, and that's going to help kill any bacteria that's back there, as well as an addition to that you can use zinc lozenges or if you can make a zinc gargle as well. Can help significantly soothe that, but also instead of soothing, they're treating the actual problem.
If you just want the relief from it, If you want you may use warm tea with hone in it, and maybe a little bit of lemon can be good to health as well.The tea's that are very natural and helpful in with your sore throat are, Slippery Elm, Marshmallow and calendula with white willow bark and you can add honey with that, just don't use honey with child underage. ANd a pinch of cayenne pepper would also be nice to be added with those teas.
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