They had no appreciation or understanding of the interconnected harmony and mutual respect between the Na’vi, animals, trees and plants. It was just mumbo-jumbo to them. The humans lived in the ‘real world’ of physical ‘apartness’ with the philosophy of see-want-take. In this case, take the unobtainium.
If that means destroying the home and way of life of people who happen to live on the resource deposits that you want to make your fortune, then so be it. What does it matter? They are just primitive savages and we are only destroying a forest.
Who cares? Send the boys in.
The left-brain mentality has no empathy with the consequences for others of its actions, because empathy comes from making a connection to other expressions of life, be they people, trees, plants or animals, and putting yourself in their situation.
Left-brain prisoners can’t do this when they are decoding everything as ‘individual’ with only ‘space’ in between. The right-brain knows that there is no ‘space in between’ – only a single energetic field that connects us all.
It is this sense of, and literal, connection between all apparently ‘individual’ form that gives us a sense of empathy, the fail-safe system that prevents extreme behaviour and actions that cause suffering for others.'
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