Albarin: Cancer
Cure or Hoax?

'The long chain acemannans in our Aloe Vera Acemannan are undoubtedly central to a banned, intravenously administered aloe extract product in the U.S. called Albarin -- made using a special freeze dried process developed by Ivan Danhof, M.D., and celebrated among alternative cancer therapy proponents.'

--Greg Caton

'On October 11,2001 120 terrorists from the Food and Drug Administration, Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office raided alternative cancer clinics in Tampa and St.Petersburg Florida run under the auspices of The Medical Center for Preventative and Nutritional Medicine. Ironically, the raids came exactly one month after the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center/Pentagon, they were conducted by our own government.

'What sets this raid apart from other FDA raids is that 80 % of the cancer patients coming to the clinics for treatment with Albarin, an injectable form of Aloe Vera, were going into remission and not a single complaint came from a patient. The only complaints came from mainstream oncologists obviously solely interested in protecting their economic turf. Many patients lives have been thrown into disarray and several will be dead within a month if they can't get their Albarin back.

'If the FDA succeeds in this outrageous effort to suppress patient's access to Albarin, consumers may never again have access to any unapproved treatment they may wish to use, no matter how good it may be. It is essential that everyone take the actions suggested at the end of this article to defend the lives of the patients.

'Along with the Tampa and St.Petersburg clinics, the FDA raided the home of Joseph DiStefano, the licensed nutrition counselor who ran them in conjunction with Daniel Mayer, D.O. Their first 100 patients all came from Hospice where they'd been told they only had 2-3 months to live.DiStefano and Mayer only lost 6 out of lOO of them.'


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