Jimmy Keller: Discover a Viable, Non-Toxic Treatment for Cancer and Go to Prison

Jimmy Keller's Clinic in Mexico :
Saint Jude International

"It should be forbidden and severely punished to remove cancer by cutting, burning, cautery, and other fiendish tortures. It is from nature that the disease comes, and from nature comes the cure, not from physicians."

- Paracelsus, (1493-1541 AD).

'In 1988, Third Opinion listed a clinic in Tijuana. The clinic operated in Baton Rouge for seven years before moving to Tijuana and was named St. Jude International. Jimmy Keller was a one-time cancer patient himself, and ran the clinic. He had facial skin cancer, originally went the orthodox route and lost some facial features. Before he lost his entire face, he discovered an alternative treatment, which saved his face and life. He opened a clinic to use it on cancer. The treatment did not attack the tumor. The patients ate strictly raw fruits and vegetables, and nothing else was permitted. The therapy itself consisted of polypeptide injections, vitamin injections, amino acid IVs, prayer and the like. That holistic treatment built up the body so it could deal with the cancer itself. The recommended three-week treatment cost less than $4000, paltry by American medical standards. The same treatment in an American hospital would cost $20,000 at the very least. Many miracle cures accompanied Keller’s eclectic treatments.

'Keller's clinic is not listed in the 1992 edition of Third Opinion. Why? Although Keller moved to Mexico, he did not count on how far the American medical gangsters would go to get him. An account of what happened to Mr. Keller comes from the husband of a woman who was being treated in Keller's clinic when they came for him. In 1991, Keller was abducted at gunpoint by bounty hunters working for the U.S. Justice Department, at the behest of the FDA. In a blatant violation of international law and Mexico's sovereignty, the U.S. Justice Department paid to have Keller kidnapped from Tijuana. When his kidnappers arrived in California with their prey, Keller was placed in the custody of the U.S. Justice Department. His "crime" was wire fraud: making interstate telephone calls to attract people to his clinic in Mexico. Keller was convicted to spend two years in a federal penitentiary. That is why he was not listed in the 1992 edition of Third Opinion. That is justice, American style.

'Examining U.S. law, its enforcement, and how the United States respects international law begins treading bizarre territory. Not even Hitler could get away with kidnapping people and bringing them back from foreign soil. In 1937, a German emigrant was kidnapped by Himmler's boys in Switzerland and brought to Germany to face the Third Reich's wrath. The Swiss government protested, citing basic international law, and the Third Reich returned the person to Switzerland.[241] America has about zero respect for international law, and has been the world’s leading nation in undermining humanitarian efforts. In light of the U.S. record of respect for international law and order, kidnapping Jimmy Keller to wipe out another person curing cancer is a minor instance of U.S. international gangsterism.[242] Jimmy was released from prison and put on parole, and mere days before his parole was complete in 1998, they threw him back in prison, and he got out in 2001 and suffered a stroke that incapacitated him. Such is the fate of the true medical heroes of our time.

'Keller’s case was part of a trend of U.S. government kidnappings abroad, in full defiance of international law. In 1990, the Drug Enforcement Agency had Dr. Humberto Alvarez Machain kidnapped from Mexico. Dr. Machain was a Mexican citizen. In an incredible U.S. Supreme Court ruling, the kidnapping was determined legal, because the extradition treaty with Mexico did not explicitly state, in the words of Chief Justice William Rehnquist, “no kidnapping allowed.”[243] The kidnapping of Keller was also the first salvo in a campaign of FDA raids and snuff jobs that swept the nation during the 1990s. Patients died from interruption of treatment, etc.[244] The Supreme Court’s ethical bankruptcy and outright criminality was displayed on the world stage as it participated in the banana republic, coup d’état “election” of George Bush the Second, while the media covered for them. '


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