'Peak Oil' Scam Alert . . . and the diabolical agenda of “demand destruction”

Col Fletcher Prouty explains how oil was falsely classified a "fossil fuel" in 1892 and how that deception was advanced further in the 70's by Kissinger and Rockefeller.

The Peak Oil Theory Story

'However, in 2008, after doing additional research, I realized that the peak oil theory had huge flaws. It relies on the following five “myths”:

1. Oil is a fossil fuel and as such is a “finite” resource
Western science has bought into and taught the fossil fuel myth regarding petroleum for many many years. Researcher/author William Engdahl wrote: ” . . . Western geologists do not bother to offer hard scientific proof of fossil origins. They merely assert it as a holy truth. The Russians have produced volumes of scientific papers, most in Russian. The dominant Western journals have no interest in publishing such a revolutionary view. Careers, entire academic professions are at stake after all.” [As is the sale of many books.]

In an interview Colonial [sic] Fletcher Prouty, former government insider [4], explained the events surrounding the decision to categorize oil as an organic substance (fossil fuel). He points out that it was deceptively made at a world scientific conference in Geneva back in the 1892 as a result of pressure exerted by scientists employed by oil magnate John D. Rockefeller. They have never found a fossil below 16,000 feet and today oil is frequently mined at depths of 30,000 feet. This fallacy was cemented into “fact” in the early 70’s during the “energy crisis” when globalists John Rockefeller IV and Henry Kissinger convinced top U.S. government officials that a “world price” needed to be established for the “finite resource” – oil.'


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