Take Them A Meal!

I'm still recovering... I am slowly bouncing back from my cesarean. Thankfully, I can see progress! I have a notorious habit of holding high expectations. High expectations have their place. BUT, I can discourage myself quite easily if I let myself do that with this recovery. I am trying to keep my eyes on the progress.

I have been so blessed by several friends bringing our family fresh meals these last two and a half weeks. (Thank you again, if any of you are reading this post!) Some friends were so sweet as to make recipes that I've posted or that I've taken to Pot Lucks, knowing that we would enjoy such healthy fare. Others brought wonderfully delicious new recipes that I can not wait to try here in my own kitchen! And some even brought yummy breads or other foods for the next morning's breakfast. We were so blessed by each meal!

Do you know anyone who has recently had a baby? Or maybe someone who has had surgery or has been caring for a sick child or parent? Let me encourage you to step up and take them a meal! I speak from experience when I say that a simple, homecooked meal can be a huge relief at the end of an abnormal day of recovery. I know I will be looking for opportunities to "pay it forward" in the months and years to come.

Or, if you want to go the extra mile, you could coordinate meals for a friend in need. This website makes meal coordination as easy as it can possibly be. All you have to do is set up a password protected page for your friend and email the link to all who might be interested in taking a meal. People can sign up for the date they choose, take a look at other meals that are being taken, and post their meal so that it doesn't get duplicated the next day. (Who wants meatloaf over and over again?)

Really, this website makes things so simple! I plan on using it next time I have the opportunity to coordinate meals for a friend. I am a big fan of this site!

Do you ever feel like you're stuck in a cooking rut? That everything you make seems like you've tasted it 1,000 times before? I don't know when I'll be back to my normal adventuresome cooking and baking, but when I do, I'll be trying out some of my friends' new recipes... and I'll post the ones you'll want to try too! For starters, check out Passionate Homemaking with this great Chicken Divan recipe. (Thanks, Charity!) And if you're looking for a healthy substitution for Cream of Anything soup, make sure you print the one at the end of the recipe out for quick reference.

Peace and joy and health,

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