School Based Health Centers: How Big Pharma Is Infiltrating Your Child's School

Schools Used by Big Pharma as Portals for Drugging our Children

'School Based Health Centers (SBHCs) have grown rapidly over the past decade, from 200 in 1990 to 1,380 in 2000-an increase of almost 600 percent.

"Adolescents are a hard population to reach," said Dr. Matthew Daley, a pediatrician and vaccine research expert with Kaiser Permanente who is working with researchers at the University of Colorado and Denver Health Medical Center to evaluate the model.

Naturopathic Doctor and vaccine researcher, Dave Mihalovic stated that public health agencies are pushing the centers in the guise of preventive medicine, when they will effectively promote the opposite. "The centers are providing an entry portal for pharmaceutical giants to access student health records and provide dangerous treatments such as untested drugs and vaccines without the full informed consent of parents."'


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