'A government panel is now recommending that virtually all Americans get a flu shot each year, starting this fall. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices had gradually been expanding its recommendation for flu shots - 85 percent of Americans were already included. On Wednesday, the panel voted to recommend a seasonal flu vaccination for everyone except babies younger than 6 months and those with egg allergies or other unusual conditions.
The panel's recommendation now goes to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The CDC usually follows the panel's advice and spreads the message to doctors and hospitals across the country.'
Maximizing Poison Potential: Advisory Panel Calls for Flu Vaccine for Everybody
'ACIP members also said that the universal recommendation would assure Americans that the nation's public health experts (or biggest drug pushers) are fully confident in the safety and effectiveness of the flu vaccine -- particularly the H1N1 swine flu vaccine. If you believe that, I have a nice water front property in the desert to sell you.'
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