'The common side effects of antibiotics are well documented but a now a new and concerning problem has come to light — weight gain and obesity. Dana Ullman explains in a recent article how antibiotic use causes the loss of ‘good’ bacteria from our digestive tracts (gut) with disastrous consequences for the way we process food. Dana discusses recently published research that found:
* Bacteria within the digestive system are involved in the hormonal regulation of fat and hunger, how food is digested and how fat is stored around the body.
* A link exists between reduced varieties of bacteria in the gut and overweight humans and mice.
* Destruction of gut bacteria by antibiotics may be linked to obesity in the young, type II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, inflammation, and other diseases such as high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and heart disease.
* Farmers have long known that antibiotic use stimulates overgrowth in animals, something they have used to advantage to produce bigger and heavier stock but with fattier and poorer quality meat.
Other findings include:
* Scientists say that microbes essential for human life are now becoming ’extinct’.
* Individuals who carry the H. pylori bacterium have a lower risk of childhood asthma, skin allergies, and allergic rhinitis but this bacterium is now being eradicated through antibiotics.
* Microbiologists and immunologists are concerned that important metabolic pathways dependent on poorly understood microbes may also be lost.
* Exposure to infectious microbes during childhood seems to protect against serious illnesses during adulthood including cardiovascular disease.
* Being ultra-hygienic and overly concerned about germs may lead to inflammatory diseases.
* The incidence of breast cancer is higher in those who use antibiotics.
Dana concludes by discussing research showing homeopathy can be a safe alternative to antibiotic use for both nuisance-value and serious infections. Some of this research is discussed in our own articles on coughs and colds.
Original article HERE
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