Millions just live with the miserable side effects...
Millions more stop taking the drugs, no matter what their doctors say...
And millions die without ever knowing their medications wrecked their lives and maybe killed them!
Don't put up with it!
For every prescription drug there's a natural alternative that's safer, more effective and a lot less expensive!
- 42% of all prescription drugs cause cancer.
- Diabetes "wonder drugs" cause heart failure, bone loss and liver failure. Ordinary fiber does a better job than the drugs!
- Osteoporosis drug makes you more likely to break a bone. Try a safe plant extract that builds bone better than the $704-a-year drug!
- All NSAID painkillers double your risk of heart failure. Try this no-pills-at-all pain solution.
Prescription drugs are the number 4 cause of death in the United States after heart attacks, cancer and strokes.
It's a fact that 1.9 million Medicare recipients have a bad drug reaction each year, and at least a million are hurt bad enough to go to the hospital.
But right now I'm not worried about 1.9 million Americans. I'm worried about you. Let me tell you just one reason why: Are you going to lose your mind because of a drug? One out of 10 so-called Alzheimer's patients have got addled minds because of their medications!
When these people come off the drugs their minds come back! So if you've noticed your memory is going downhill... and you take prescription drugs each and every day... well, you do the math.
But memory may be the least of your worries...
Are your drugs going to give you cancer?
Laboratory studies show that 42% of all prescription drugs cause cancer according to the information on their own labels. Among the worst offenders? Cholesterol-reducing drugs.
And consider this: Hip fractures caused by osteoporosis are one of the deadliest killers in America. Half the people who break a hip never walk again, and 60,000 of them die within a year.
Now we know that prescription drugs are the number 1 cause of bone loss next to old age itself.
Yet there's a plant extract that builds bone better than a $704-a-year drug.
Do you see? Just by getting off prescription drugs you help save yourself from cancer, osteoporosis, dementia and a host of other diseases! And there's more...
- Migraine drugs can cause sudden death. Who needs 'em? A common weed from the side of the road gives relief to 93 percent.
- Attention men: Sexual performance problems? Prescription drugs are the number 2 cause. Getting off drugs usually cures the problem.
- And what about those erectile dysfunction drugs you see advertised all over TV? Our natural solution does the same thing for 3.7 cents—proven by blood tests.
- Studies prove aspirin is just as effective as this $3-a-day blood thinner. But first try these natural answers that are even better than aspirin.
- Feeling blue? The FDA itself says depression drugs are no better than a placebo—a sugar pill. Our natural solutions beat drugs in head-to-head tests.
- The most lethal drug in America is a blood pressure drug that can actually stop your heart. Instead, lower your blood pressure in 10 minutes without drugs.
- Top drug for enlarged prostate can't manage to beat a placebo. Try a solution that's better than the drug OR saw palmetto.
And more natural answers that are proven superior to drugs...
- New vitamin discovery cuts heart disease risk in half.
- Bee product beats top herpes drug by 71 percent!
- "Incurable" eczema cured without drugs.
- Power mineral slashes PMS symptoms almost in half—and a European berry extract slashes them 93 percent.
- One of the most exciting new digestive cures I've seen in 20 years!
The Great Diabetes Hoax
Millions of diabetes patients are getting the wrong medicine!
The new "wonder drugs" are likely to kill or injure you or someone you love...
And they're among the top-selling drugs in America!
Even if you're one of the lucky people they don't hurt, these drugs cost 10 times as much as older drugs—and they're no more effective.
You can avoid the deadly risks... and get BETTER health results... for a FRACTION OF THE PRICE!
Folks who take one of the top diabetes drugs see a 43 percent increase in heart attacks,New England Journal of Medicine and was based on 42 different studies of the drug. according to a heart scientist at the famous Cleveland Clinic. The finding appeared in the
How worried should you be? VERY. About two-thirds of people with diabetes actually die of heart disease, NOT diabetes. These drugs could make that problem 43 percent worse. What a way to "cure" diabetes!
Is this drug the next Vioxx®?
Amazingly, this drug is still on the market. The heart disease scare did hurt sales, but it's still around. And another drug in the same family reigns as one of the 50 top-selling drugs in the United States. I don't think it's any safer than its killer cousin. In fact, a third medication in this same group has already been recalled and banned.
From Bottomline Books Read more: HERE
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