'Vaccines are neither safe nor effective in preventing any disease; they cause diseases; they are the single biggest cause of infant deaths. The lies about this useless, dangerous medieval medical procedure reached monstrous proportions with the accusations of innocent parents and other carers (nannies) effectively causing the vaccine reactions.'
by Viera Scheibner
'When a baby is born in Australia or any other so called developed country, orthodox medicine immediately takes over its life and wellbeing: the very birth is medicalised with inductions (whether there is any medical need for it or not), painkillers and immediate injections of vitamin K and hepatits B vaccine. Mothers do not even ask what is in that drip (it is an overload of a hormone: oxytocin) and in that vitamin K injection; they do not realise that it is the wrong vitamin K, that there are toxic preservatives in the injection and that the babies have developed the so-called haemorrhagic disease of the newborn despite being given vitamin K.
'They don’t realise that the painkiller pethidine is morphine and that the newborn baby may get the full blast of it while being born; not the most auspicious start in life. Some even linked the addictions of very young children to that initial bolus of morphine. The mothers don’t realise that an overload of the hormone oxytocin may (and does) cause brain and retinal haemorrhages and that before the baby would recover, it is given hepatitis b vaccine injection which on its own causes brain and retinal haemorrhages. The vicious circle may continue if the baby is deemed to have an infection and is administered powerful antibiotics intravenously; many babies develop serious reactions to all this and die within about 3-4 weeks of being born.
'If they survive the initial assault of these toxic substances, then they may develop reactions to the second round at two months: injections of several other vaccines such as DPT (diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus), polio, Haemophilus influenzae type B, the second hepatitis B, and meningococcal and Pneumococcal vaccines, in each thigh. The babies are vaccinated even after they developed symptoms of suppressed immune system such as the runny nose and ear infections after the first toxic assault at birth. Many babies develop whooping cough from the vaccine. I suspect that many babies who developed convulsions after these vaccinations, may have actually contracted tetanus, from the triple (DPRT) vaccine.'
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