'Starting us out on a path of discovery and healing, the Orthomolecular Medicine News Service (www.orthomolecular.org) recommends a simple but abundant daily nutrition program that has been effective in making many of the symptoms of what is today called "mental illness" disappear without trace. This might be news to most psychiatrists, but it isn't unknown by any means to people who are keeping track of developments in nutritional medicine.
After I forwarded the orthomolecular news item to some interested people, I got a reply which I would like to share. It is living proof, if we need it, that this nutritional approach does indeed work infinitely better than the drugs psychiatrists normally supply to "quiet down" those ill minds of ours.
Here are both - the news and the comment. And yes, this is addressed to psychiatrists as well as to people who find they have a relative or friend with problems...'
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