Dr. Mercola Interviews Dr. Andrew Wakefield (Part 1 of 10)
'In this interview, Dr. Andrew Wakefield shares his personal and professional insights into a number of topics, from the gut-brain connection so often seen in autistic children, to the safety of a number of childhood vaccines.
But most importantly, he sets the record straight on the harsh criticism he’s endured as the author of one of the most controversial vaccine-causing-autism studies ever done.
In addition to his hotly contested MMR study, published in the journal Lancet in 1998, he has published about 130-140 peer-reviewed papers looking at the mechanism and cause of inflammatory bowel disease, and has extensively investigated the brain-bowel connection in the context of children with developmental disorders such as autism.'
Statement from Dr. Andrew Wakefield Regarding GMC Hearing Sanctions
'As long as a question mark remains over vaccine safety; as long as a safety-first vaccine policy is subordinate to profit and self-interest; as long as the benefits of vaccines are threatened by those who have compromised public confidence by denial of vaccine damage, and as long as these children need help; I will continue my work.
Dr Andrew Wakefield is an academic gastroenterologist, committed to understanding more about the role of intestinal inflammation and dysfunction in childhood developmental disorders. He is involved in a new initiative, focused specifically on issues of autism causation. His book Callous Disregard comes out in May 2010.'
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