'It has been shown that mercury rapidly depletes the immune system. Mercury has also been shown to induce auto-immune diseases. Anything that depletes and disturbs the immune system will increase one’s chances of contracting cancer. Mercury binds with hemoglobin, which is responsible for oxygen transport to the tissues. This results in less oxygen reaching the tissues when the body is polluted with mercury. We don’t have to look far in understanding how a heavy metal like mercury can eventually lead one to cancer’s door.
“There is no safe level of mercury, and no one has actually shown that there is a safe level,” said Dr. Lars Friberg, Chief Adviser to the WHO on mercury safety. Survival Medicine for the 21st Century (2,200 page compendium) has a two hundred page section called The Rising Tide of Mercury because mercury toxicity needs to be factored into all notions of health and disease today. According to the observations made by the internationally recognized medical researcher, Yoshiaki Omura, MD, all cancer cells have mercury in them.'
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