Cellular Toxins & Cellular Insufficiencies Are The Root Cause Of Cellular Malfunction That Medical Science Labels DISEASE

Cellular Toxicities & Cellular Insufficiencies
Are The 2 Pillars Supporting
The Temple Of Disease

'What do you think the medical profession is built on? Confusion, chaos and mystery! Their strategy is to get you to believe that there are 10,001 different diseases all needing outside intervention from drugs and surgery, when the truth is that there is only one disease – 'CELLULAR MALFUNCTION.” -- Quote by Gary Tunsky From the book “The Battle For Health Is Over pH”

'... I have discovered there are five conditions that cause poor health. The first three only account for approximately 5% of all the health problems that plague America. They are:

1. Hereditary weakness (genetic predispositions).
2. Congenital deformity.
3. Permanent organ injury (accidents and sports injuries).
The other two, or remaining 95% that are the direct cause of mankind’s disease and suffering are caused by Cellular Toxicities and Cellular Insufficiencies, over which the principles of cellular cleansing, healthy diet and lifestyle play a tremendous role.'


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